spam rule 👶

setVeryLoud(true); to – 112 points –

It's a sad attempt to get an instance that is trans-friendly defederated. Don't let the idiots win...

You might be onto something!

I was scratching my head on the purpose of this spam, but that's a possibility.

Long live Blahaj!

Yeah I also noticed that person/account and it is insanely annoying. Don't know what to do about it apart from reporting it

Report and block

Blocking doesn't do anything to stop the spread like on Mastodon or Reddit, best to report and reach out to admins (reports can be dismissed by moderators sometimes). Lemmy's blocking as it is, is only useful for Communities (soon instances) you want to keep out of your feed and for snowflakes who 'don't wike what person say'. Seriously the ability to restrict malicous users is a very important feature for both user and community safety.

There were a few other bots spamming much worse. I had the displeasure of seeing one spam shock images.