Only two days to go til' 24! to – 177 points –

Surely this is the year we turn it all around!


It gets better!*

*Terms and conditions may apply. Side effects include it not getting better. Some patients have experienced death and it getting worse.

Honestly negative thinking is not the way to look at the future

Positive thinking won't exactly magically make it better, though

True but its never good to make assumptions. There is no way to tell the future.

I never understood the terrible grammar of this meme.

"It is with great pleasure that I tell you" is the correct statement.

It's because it's a direct translation of their native frog language.

Damn, one grammatical correction is all that's keeping us from the frogs.

No it can't be that. I have pretty good grammar and still consider myself mostly a frog.

Gosh dang it. I'm not ready for a whole new year. I was just getting used to this one.

6.2*10^23 (24! is way bigger than 2024

The title should have been 7!/2-496 or 6!*2.8(1)