Indian man urinating on train track dies after being hit by ‘flying cow’ | The Straits Times to Not The – 223 points –
Indian man urinating on train track dies after being hit by ‘flying cow’

"cow that was tossed 30m up in the air"

How hard do you have to hit a cow to knock it 30m into the air?

Trains have a fuck ton of momentum, and this was an express train. It likely also had a cattle guard on the front which could explain the air it got.

The average train in India is 24 coaches long, plus a loco and a guard van. Let's say the loco is 100 tonnes and the coaches and van are 20 tonnes each. That's 600 tonnes moving at around 100 km/hr. I can totally believe the cow flying that high.

2 more...

Florida Man: Challenge accepted! It's going to be legendary!!!

Tldr: the cow was launched by a train and flew 30 meters.

Hoe the cow gained more impetus than the train itself isn't explained.

Seeing a cow is a holy animal in India I'm wondering about the karmic balance of this situation...

Beginning to wonder if those Bollywood physics were accurate after all...

Kind of expected "the police who were also relieving themselves..."