Last few days are the least functional kbin has been for me since the July exodus. Just me? to /kbin – 21 points –

Just curious if it's somehow got to do with anything on my end. I'm generally desktop-only, firefox-only.


Yeah, It's true. Since Sunday, I've been noting errors that I'm still working on resolving. It doesn't make it easier that it's the post-holiday period, and due to travels and security measures, it's not the easiest task. I'm working to get everything back to normal as soon as possible.

Thanks for putting in all this work, especially over a period that's traditionally vacation time. Make sure you're striking a good work/life balance, if you can get the site basically functional (as it appears to be now) don't sweat the small stuff. :)

Not just me eh, sorry to hear! I had a Jellyfin upgrade go sideways (my fault) once during the holidays and that was bad enough - and all my users live with me! Sorry that you are pulling your hair out, and personally I'm more than content to wait it out until after your vacation.

Thanks for all the hardwork you are putting in! In the long term, you could consider setting up a status page?

Thanks Ernest!

I'm curious, 2hen you say "on-site work", do you mean you need to travel onsite to do some work for kbin? At a host somewhere? Otherwise, when you say "security measures" for travel, how is that related? Maybe you just mean you are travelling and it is taking up your time...?

Things seem to be starting to resolve for me. I can now get to Notifications and to Newest.

Still getting errors, but now works on a retry.

It seems a lot more stable right now. I expect @ernest has been occupied with, y'know, actually having a life. Seeing as it's Christmas and all that.

Nope, on, still 100% 404s on the notifications page, timeouts on pages constantly, the "we're working on it" returns for pages, etc.

For the 404s, try adding ?p=1 to the end of the URL. This lets me use all and subscribed (mostly) as normal.

I think we are all SoL on the error pages though.

In addition to the 404 thing that has been posted, nearly every upvote/downvote/click of a page element is getting me the "We are working on resolving issues" error. Took me several tries to get here to type this, and not sure how many it will take to get the comment to actually post.

I'm certainly open to the idea that it's somehow just me though, it seemed like he was doing a lot of nip and tuck leading up to the holiday, unless I misread his devblog posts.

In addition to the 404 thing that has been posted, nearly every upvote/downvote/click of a page element is getting me the "We are working on resolving issues" error. Took me several tries to get here to type this, and not sure how many it will take to get the comment to actually post.

I'm certainly open to the idea that it's somehow just me though, it seemed like he was doing a lot of nip and tuck leading up to the holiday, unless I misread his devblog posts.

its gotten worse for me. I used to be able to see my notification but now get 404 for that to.

So it's a site-wide issue? I'll not start troubleshooting my account then and can calmly wait for the fix.