A six-year-old girl was drowned in a water tank and her head was smashed with a stone to hide her identity after a failed rape bid, 43-year-old private watchman arrested

Live_Let_Live@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 104 points –
Agra Girl, 6, Drowned In Water Tank, Head Smashed After Failed Rape Attempt: Cops

It's getting really sad that I see articles like this and immediately think "India", and that's usually right. I'm not even particularly acquainted with the culture of the country, but I'm exposed to cases like this all the time through the news. Really creates a fucked up perception. I wonder if it's actually that bad over there, or if it's just overrepresented in the news.

It's probably a combination of things, but it also doesn't help that India has the largest population in the world with 1.43 billion people.

It was also in Uttar Pradesh, which is the most populous state in India with over 241M people. It's actually the most populous country subdivision in the world and has a higher population than any other countries except China, the US, Indonesia, and Pakistan (and India obviously).

I hate this world.

No wait, the world is awesome, it's people that I hate.

To be fair child murder is a pretty regular thing in the animal kingdom. Also rape

And? Doesn't mean it's acceptable for humans to exhibit these same behaviors. So I'm not sure what your point is.

They're saying the user's correction to hating only people and not the world excludes the natural world that sees these horrors just the same.

Well I'm glad you understood their meaning as it wasn't clear to me from the context.

I received your reply, but for some reason I can't see it in the thread. Any chance you have the "bot account" checked in your settings or is it just weird federation issues?

Yeah I've ran into that a bunch myself. I've never heard of the bot account setting but I just looked and it's disabled.

The only horror here would be how horribly weird that argument would be, if it was meant serious.

Nature doing these things isn't beautiful of course. There's no inherent moral value in actions, when there is no concept of moral to begin with. No other animal has the capability of pondering about whether it should rape and murder for fun or not. We do.

Is that supposed to be an argument of some sort? Are you trolling? Are you a teen trying to be edgy? Are you a psychopath (yes, the term is outdated) that just can't grasp the problem? I'm really wondering.

Non-human animals are just that. They act on impulses. Humans shouldn't. At least mentally healthy humans shouldn't. We shall be in control of our urges. Especially if those are of such a pathetically weak nature that includes raping kids and murdering them.

Its wild when you can tell what country a news article is from just from the headline. Most likely happened in Uttar Pradesh too, I'd bet. Super fucked. Yupp just looked up the Agra District. Surprise surprise, its in Uttar Pradesh. Shit like this happens there constantly give it a google.

Sigh… fucking goddamn it. At least they got him to confess and the parents can get some form of justice and closure. POS.