1.3.24 Epstein documents 943 pages unsealed

𝐘Ⓞz҉@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 175 points –

so i figure nothing earth shattering in here if we didn't get 20 headlines about it?

no. it's either being written up carefully or suppressed. I'm at page 134, and oooo boy it's juicy.

edit 326-343 are completely redacted.

edit 2: I'll have to dig through later. a lot of pages are corrections to testimony. Notably though, is a few sections on Prince Andrew. He was clearly involved and at least present at the time.

edit 326-343 are completely redacted.

Probably implicates politicians and/or their owner donors. Can't have the peasants know the atrocities of their lords.

What are the most interesting names on there? Feel free to just paste names in your comment so we can read along 1000 pages is a bit too much for me.

edit 326-343 are completely redacted.

These might be the most interesting pages

Apparently, the absence of something salacious is proof of something salacious.

Anyone else have a bit of smoldering rage that everyone knows what went on, and so far no one but Ghislane Maxwell, Epstein himself and one prince have had even an ounce of trouble from it?

Kinda how Trump will die of old age one day still living a 1% lifestyle and having never seen the inside of a prison.

when you have an extortionate advantage over someone, you're dangerous - it's much the same policy as a nuclear deterrent.

The trump lawyers, the judge, the jury and everyone at the trials.....uhoo...and then what else did you do? Did you guys steal the money from those people too? Hmm, what about the pee pee tapes? Did you guys really do that for reals? How fun and interesting...funteresting!

Day 300 of the trial....so you touched her private privately? And did she jump? Or just sort of moan a little? Oh tell us more! So you really think she liked it? Ma'am! Hold on, you'll get your chance too, right now it's "the president's turn...so did you go for the boobies first? And how? We didn't bring a dummy, could you show us on her where you touched? It's for the public records ma'am... c'mon, you want a fair trial yes? Well this is pretty fair? How to we know if he really touched our there or not? Anyway, it's done, let's just take our seats...