Israeli lawmakers say it out loud: Mass Migration from Gaza and Jewish resettlement to World – 114 points –
Israeli lawmakers say it out loud: Mass Migration from Gaza and Jewish resettlement

A bunch of the victims of the latest US-approved ethnic cleansing are going to live for the rest of our lifetimes, and will be present in the collective memory of plenty of non-Western countries. What do you think this will mean for international peace, multilateralism, cooperation, international law and the safety of Jews worldwide? This isn't even in Biden's interest. Keeping the Israeli far right alive and strong by all means will come to kick the US democrats in the back when, most surprisingly, it turns out that they prefer the US far right, just as it's the case with Saudi Arabia.

supporting the fascist ethnostate israel is a danger to world peace and US national secueity. we have to take power away from the crazy Christians (and yes it's mostly christian so we don't have to fund genocide

The thing is, Israel's behaviour is not new. The populations in the Arab countries already had that sentiment for more than a decade (cf. Osama bin Laden's letter to Americans). Now awareness is reaching the people in Western countries.

Why does the US continue to support Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians?

These people should be resettled in their ancestral homes in Israel, but instead we’re sending bombs.

It was the plan all along..

I had a conversation with a Palestinian friend of mine recently on this. He said that this is all about oil. A pipeline to be developed through Gaza to supply Europe with oil, and a natural gas field off the coast of Palestine to be developed. I've not had the chance to look into it.

I'm sure that's a part of what's going on, but to claim that "this is all about oil" is highly reductive. There are many different entities involved with competing interests.

That makes no geographical sense.

Why would Israel need to go through Gaza to supply a gas line?

There was a plan to build a pipeline to Europe, with the EU funding it also going into Gaza to provide them with gas as well. Does your friend mean that? Because that’s like the complete opposite.

Because NIMBYism wouldn't allow a pipeline to go through Israeli land?

Yeah I didn't say I really understood it. I'm just repeating back what someone said to me.

I would point out however that access to resources has historically been a 'plenty good' reason for the western world to turn a blind eye to genocide in the past.