Palworld has sold over 4 million copies in only about 3 days. Momentum has increased since yesterday, with the latest sales at 86,000 units per hour.

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 134 points –

Hopefully Nintendo/The Pokemon Company will see how well Palworld is doing and stop putting out disappointing mainline Pokemon games.

Scarlet and Violet sold 10 million copies during the launch weekend, so I think they'll be pretty content to keep churning out mediocre games at a much faster pace.

Yeah but this is a literal nobody coming into the market and pulling almost half the sales numbers as the single biggest franchise in the world with near 30 years' worth of brand recognition. That's still got to be somewhat of a wakeup call.

Yeah it makes me sad to think about that - people are going to keep buying the games regardless of how bad they get.

Every Pokémon is someone's first. I bet about up to half of each iterations sales are completely new customers. And then another big chunk being a group where it's their second or third.

Plus, it's far from my "second or third" and I still enjoy them. Pokemon games are what they are, and I like them.

I'm not saying they couldn't be improved, but I don't pass on a game just because it doesn't max out its potential. I buy fun games, and no game is perfect.

Palworld is basically what I wanted Pokemon Legends: Arceus to be (minus the guns, obviously). The game has issues, which I mostly chalk up to early access woes, but it's a great case study in how to do an open world creature collector game.

The power of hype is borderless

When it’s just hype alone, games end up getting destroyed with bad reviews. If a game is hyped up and is actually good, that’s different, isn’t it?

People are loving the concept, but I've heard the game itself is pretty meh

All my friends and I never heard of this game until it came to early access. We weren't hyped at all more surprised. Plus I want to play it before Nintendo tries to sue. I know they have no right to but it's Nintendo, they'll probably try

Careful of accusing Nintendo of being litigious, they might sue you for damaging their rep.

That’s called hype 🤗

Nah I thought hype was like being excited for something to be. As far as I know most people weren't excited for it before it released

I hope this will help the devolopment of the game so that this doesn't stay in early access forever like their previous game

I hope they don't just pack their pencils and leave after this.

I think we are safe on that front at least, there is way too much effort put into the game for it to be a cash grab and run

Wouldn't be the first. I mean, they already have millions in profit. I don't know how big their team is, but at 7$M development cost they are looking at 100M+ profit.

With a quick search, seems like estimates are that the team size is currently around 40 people. This makes it sound like a more committed effort than if it was a small team.

From what I’ve read, it’s ARK but not terrible. Watched the first 20 minutes and it was more reminiscent of BOTW. When’s it swap to ARK?

That is has some base building elements, it's a bunch of popular elements from other games put into a open world pokemon botw mold.