Help guys what do I do

no banana to Lemmy – 219 points –

I need more data. Send me higher resolution feet pics immediately, to this address: Donald.Trump at Please send me as many feet pics as you have!?

buy toe spacers

I got a pair but haven't yet been able to get over the weird feeling of having them between my toes. Plus when I walk with them in I walk like a dog in booties

Just don't get over it. Own the feeling. Own the dog bootie.

Simply grab two toes and gradually spread them until the skin begins to tear. Repeat for each pair of toes.

When I was little I struggled with this. I would weave a tissue between my toes and it helped

I've been so high a couple of times that this felt like the case.

No need for being high when you suffer from hypersensitivity in the skin!

Turn on a fan, put your feetsies in front of it spread out your toes. Let the air go between them. That help?

my toes are now bluer than they were before. did I miss a step?

When I felt that way it was usually because my toenail was jutting into my other toe. So I would cut the nail and the feeling would go away.