clearly the better decision rule to – 295 points –

Im a non smoker but i'd rather start smoking than buy vbucks

Like… really? Oof.

Yeah, no. I'd rather take some harmless funni fake coins than funnel money to one of the most disgusting existing industries destroying my own health and so many lives through their anti-science campaigns.

Im sure you meant to type "than" and not "that" but it fits either way except for the anti science campaigns

The gaming industries may have problems, but it's not anywhere in the same range as something like the tobacco industry.

But yeah, I meant than.

Finally a format that isnt that annoying mspaint "gigachad". God I'm growing tired of that "good opinion alpha man, bad opinion beta nerd" format

It's literally the same

Yeah but at least this on is just "big brain", wheee as the other version is about some bearded "alpha"

Are those vbucks?


What are vbucks?

Digital currency that you can buy in Fortnite. They are like Robux in Roblox.