The ADHD urge to lie about why you didn't do something because "my brain refused to start on it" doesn't make sense to a lot of neurotypicals.

BeAware to ADHD – 60 points –

The ADHD urge to lie about why you didn't do something because "my brain refused to start on it" doesn't make sense to a lot of neurotypicals.


This behavior has gotten me into a lot of shit over the years😬🤦‍♂️

#ADHD #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #neurodiverse #neurodivergence #ADHDmemes


ADD/ADHD is an executive function failure related to feedback and it’s relationship to motivation. Normies never experience that on anything approaching a regular basis. As such, trying to explain that to them is like trying to explain what the colour of the number seven smells like. They’ll be all, “well, just do it. How hard could it be?”

They’ll be all, “well, just do it. How hard could it be?”

Though sometimes that’s exactly what I need someone to tell me. To the point that I do this with some of my other ADHD friends. “Do it right now. I’ll wait.”

NGL, I've just accepted that it won't make sense to the neurotypicals.

I'll straight up say "sorry, my brain wouldn't let me do it" or "the guy upstairs is really fighting me right now" while pointing at my head.

Best case, they understand what I mean. Worst case, they think I'm crazy, which is a best case in and of itself.

Yeah the co-workers that think I'm "crazy" leave me alone and don't ask me to complete stuff so its a huge win.

Or because they're tired of hearing "I just forgot". You can only say "I forgot (because Zi was overwhelmed, because the task wasn't interesting, because I got distracted, because I can't remember lists, because I do a soft reset every time I walk through a doorway)" so many times, even though it keeps being true.

Jokes aside, I'd love to figure out how to help my kid with this. Sometimes shit just isn't in the cards and it causes a lot of pain between us.

What's helped me is a combination of physical exercise (which helps against feelings of unrest that may be bothering me) and sort of sliding into the subject, tackling the easier parts first and from there riding the dopamine wave.

But yeah, it doesn't get any easier.

I kinda... Need it to?

Depending on how old your kid is, it might or it might not improve. The frontal lobe of their brain still has a lot of development left in children; right up until they’re about 25. This may improve things.

Also, please don’t be one of those parents who discounts meds. They can really help a lot. And no, they’re not addictive (in fact, people with ADHD are more likely to forget them than to use them recreationally).

Thank you. Sincerely. My parents are the ones who have been working on me, trying to play it off as no big deal and trying to scare me away from pharmaceuticals. "Everyone I knew who ever abused pills was medicated as a child," and other shit like that.

Currently he's very young, and I have heard that the presentation changes with age. I have some hope. An older friend with ADHD tells me that his memories of being this age were like that of "being a feral animal", and he marvels at what mine is capable of already. That's the frustration of it for me, he's so bright and I only get to see it a few moments at a time. I want to bask in his glow my whole life.

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I promise you "Yeah I just kinda fucked it off" resonates with many more people than you'd think.

If you'd like to try and find a faster way to alienate a neurodivergent person, this is basically it.

My parents still have no clue how to regulate there comments when I mention my difficulties. They love pointing out how "pretty much everyone struggles with getting their real life taken care of."

Yeah, and I'm sure everyone else also sits there for hours at a time, lamenting themselves for not being able to get up and getting it done. It's less about the inability to get started, and more about the excruciating guilt you feel when simple tasks take hours of internal bargaining to finally get done.

seriously though it doesn't even make a lot of sense to me.

nor does forgetting the thing - like no one I work with has this problem why me

Why lie? If someone's going act like a cunt about it tell em to FOD. Maybe not mean like that.... But fuck em.

Shame usually, and the fear that they'll reject me for my shortcomings

And of course a(n) (un)healthy sprinkling of self loathing for failing (yet again) to do the things I set out to do

I'm better at it now than I was before but accepting myself was the biggest step in stopping those lies

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