Republicans’ Own “Whistleblower” Trashes Their Entire Biden Corruption Claim to politics – 287 points –
Republicans’ Own “Whistleblower” Trashes Their Entire Biden Corruption Claim

This is far from the first time that one of Republicans’ star witnesses in the Biden corruption investigation has completely debunked their claims. One such witness was Devon Archer, another of Hunter’s business partners. In his testimony, Archer said he was “not aware of any” wrongdoing by the president and said he disagreed with the allegation that Biden accepted a bribe. Republicans then refused to let Democrats introduce Archer’s testimony as evidence during a September hearing.

This is the last paragraph and it's golden. Incredible how they refused to allow the evidence to be introduced - given that it wasn't the evidence they were hoping for...

To wit: this is why they did not want to give him a public hearing.

"Your Honor, I object!"


"Because it's devastating to my case!"

Republicans want to find anything on Biden that they can run with. They got nothing.

It reminds me of the the Simpson's Mr Burns trying to find dirt on his opponent Mary Bailey.

Republican advisor: And so far, the only negative thing we have found is from some guy who dated her when she was 16.

Burns: Ah. And?

Republican advisor: He, uh, he felt her up.

Burns: Bah! Not good enough!

But for their base it has worked overall, as they don't operate on facts and have been trained to dismiss facts as the "deep state" working against them. It's all theater, they 100% don't want to do the work even if they had a case, it just to put shit out there that the base ingests without any follow up, and then passes it on as fact (but the kind they can believe).

Like a cult.

Exactly. It should have crazy academic value, to study a cult of this size and power, and it's rise (and hopefully demise) right out in the open for everyone to see. Normally they have been regulated to some "compound" where they are discouraged by the leader from interacting with the rest of society. This cult is trying to take society/religion over. If it wasn't for all the fascism the Trump cult would be fascinating with the sheer amount of cognitive dissonance required to walk around in everyday life, with free access to everything in the "outside world", and still eat up all the leader guys shit and beg for more.

He must be guilty! Or else, why would we be investigating him so much??

“In my discussions with the Vice President concerning his personal finances, he was always crystal clear that he wanted to take the most transparent and ethical approach consistent with both the spirit and the letter of the law,”

"No malarkey with the money, guys. I mean it."

They’re baffled because they walk as close to, or as much over, the line as they can without getting caught and can’t understand that everyone else isn’t cheating the system at every turn.

They’re blaming the opposition before they get caught, so that it sounds absurd when the news of their crimes comes out.

"We’ve got lots of theories, we just don’t have the evidence"

  • Rudolph "Four Seasons Total Landscaping" Guiliani