Israel's finance minister blasts Moody's downgrade of the the country's credit rating

Lee to World – 84 points –
Israel's finance minister blasts Moody's downgrade of the the country's credit rating

You can lay innumerable crimes against humanity against the capitalists, but they are ice cold sociopaths, not fascists. They are as incapable of hatred of the jewish people or Israel as they are of loving their own children as more than investments with an expectation of return.

Moody's downgraded Israel on the numbers as a result of the global economic pullback caused by the logistical inconvenience of their ongoing genocide, not because of their persecution complex.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich angrily dismissed the decision. The announcement “reflects a lack of confidence in Israel’s security and national strength, and also a lack of confidence in the righteousness of Israel’s path against its enemies,” he said in a statement from his office.

Why would a Moody's rating take "the righteousness of Israel’s path" into account?

He should be careful of what he wishes for because if they factored in "the righteousness of israel's path" then the credit rating would be C.

Because it will impact them economically, of course. People are less likely to invest in a country that is at risk of being sanctioned, whether "officially" or via unofficial boycotts.

People working in Israel reported half their workers not showing up because they had been recalled to serve in the army. Stuff like that doesn't help for business.

They also revoked the work permits for hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, hence their agricultural and construction sector is struggling at the moment, and they need to import cheap labor force from other countries.

Plus the way they handle this war nothing good would ever come out of it.

Is this....antisemitism?

That word is like, ufo and conspiracy. Doesnt mean shit anymore. Boy cried wolf effect.