Netanyahu says he has not spoken to Biden since 'over the top' remarks

Collision to World – 94 points –

Aww what's wrong Bibi? Worried your supplier is going to cut you off for being too much of a genocidal dick?

If only it weren't all theater to bolster Biden on his campaign and distance him from all this genocide unpleasantness.

It's not theater to the people being targetted with our weapons

Ok but the weapons are still flowing. It's all theater until that changes.

Fuck Netanyahu. He has the last laugh though because we're funding their genocide.

That was the sound of a dummy (pacifier in the US) being spat out before the tantrum.

being over the top is, uh not something Biden typically gets accused of.. most people think he's perpetually under the top..

… the president made remarks about Israel's military response to Hamas being "over the top."