Maybe now that traditional memes are well on the way to being drowned in a sea of low-quality propaganda made by idiots, the cool kids will move on to text posts. to – 20 points –

Maybe now that traditional memes are well on the way to being drowned in a sea of low-quality propaganda made by idiots, the cool kids will move on to text posts.


You think memes being used for low-effort propaganda is new?

It's not new, but it's come into fashion, so the hipsters don't like it anymore.

The cool kids have moved on to checks notes even worse platforms

Rechecks notes ..... rechecks notes again .... rechecks notes some more ... opens up some binders for more notes ... goes into their filling cabinets for more notes .... reviews their idea board with more notes and pictures ... taps away on a computer to review their online databases ... ????? ....

..... WAIT A MINUTE!!! .... They were never there!!! There are no cool kids!!!

What is a traditional meme?

Kilroy was here.

Hell yeah

Edit: alternatively, swapping .wav files of sound clips from sitcoms and sci-fi shows, making a folder directory a sort of rudimentary sound board.