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The irs will come after you…

Nope, they're funded by tax dollars, so they also don't exist just like prisons

I've always been confused why the IRS requires us to send weekly nudes

Ok but i acually sent this meme to my friend who’s a banker and he said that not FILING is illegal, but not paying isn’t illegal because you technically can’t go to jail for debt in America. However, your estate will be chunked to cover your debt when you die. So, here’s the 4d chess move that americans can make

  1. Own a house and a car, live comfortably.
  2. File, but not pay, tax
  3. Just before you die, sell everything
  4. Convert that money into a privacy coin like Monero
  5. After you die, secretly give access to your monero wallet to your children

Poof, the American Empire hates it when you do this simple trick. Just tell your kids not to take out too much out of your monero holdings at once, and use peer to peer exchanges to avoid KYC, and the glowies would be none the wiser

This sounds like the sort of plan that sovcits would come up with, no offense

Meh, the average sovcit are crazy middle aged white dudes who spend too much time on facebook but you gotta respect the hustle of fucking over a government that uses its tax money to fund things like the prison industrial slave complex and the genocide in Gaza. And unless the system changes in a day converting your money into something the American government can’t seize is de-facto Sovereign Citizen. Sorry for being too political.

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If you're living comfortably, then why not just pay the tax?

I’m brainstorming for a glitch in the system. Practically yeah for peace of mind, one would just pay taxes. I’m like the crazy ass friend that takes things seriously when another homie spitballs something halfheartedly xD

Obviously my post is not serious, but while there are certainly valid reasons not to pay taxes (e.g., Thoreau not wanting to support a system that was set on expanding slave states), in our current system I think it's in pretty bad taste for someone who's living comfortably not to contribute to systems that help the less fortunate. It's definitely a complicated issue though.

Anyway, I'm not living comfortably and have nothing to invest, nor do I have money to pay a rich lawyer to fanagle my way out of legal trouble, so it's a non-starter for me.

So tax fraud and your children are conspirators. Also they can garnish your wages for unpaid taxes.

What if you make a business that gains revenue, file tax, but don't pay them? can they garnish your revenue then?

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This is how you end up in a private prison. Or create them

oh, a private prison instead. the one subsidized by that chap's tax dollars? he's 4 steps ahead and he doesn't even know it

Probably more. They probably have to invent a new form of commerce for this guy.

Yes, this is a very serious post, and everyone should take it seriously. It reminds me of the Paris Commune and shit, very Kafkaesque.

But im not taking this seriously. You dont need to not pay taxes to end up in a private prison. Plenty other ways

This sounds serious to me. You're not wrong, but just kind of a killjoy right now, don't you think?

Fair nuff.. Something i gotta stop.. Thanks

Sorry, I was just fatigued from all the serious comments I was getting. For the record, you are right, and I do agree that our current system sucks. The US is the prison capital of the world.

But we stay silly.

Lol yes, we stay silly. I like that. and you're good dw about it.

they will use his tax money to buy two of every animal on earth...

So we're back to "If we all ignore the government, it will wither away" type anarchism?

Unfortunately that requires a super majority to participate as a few stronger people or people who group together can still force others.

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