I created this meme to create content

Possibly linux@lemmy.zip to Memes@sopuli.xyz – 442 points –

We also need comments. I created this comment so we would have comments

And I also replied to this comment so that there would be engagement.

To create further engagement, as well as begin participating, I am writing my first comment on Lemmy.

To further encourage engagement I am replying to this comment by saying: beans

I'm the comment that parrots the above comments right before the 'load more comments..' link.

I’m just here to see which color comes next

Now I have to know too.

And I am :D

I just realized there were different colors. How deep does this rabbit hole go?

As someone who likes commenting and driving engagement, let me say this…ahem…


To further encourage engagement I am replying to this comment by saying: beans

I'm the guy who replies "this" to this comment.

Let me encourage you by telling you that i came here looking for exactly this comment and i am glad i found it. Thank you for your service.

I don't even right comments rule

Just wanna remind folks that when Steve Huffman founded reddit it was just him and a couple friends with dozens of alt accounts. The first decade of Reddit’s life it was just ripping content from Digg and 4chan to rehost.

Lemmy will grow, and probably in a very similar way.

I created this meme to create better content

Legit though, it needs to be quality content.

There's no point to it, if content churn just turns lemmy into the worst parts of reddit.

Are comments content? I'm a prolific commenter, not much of a main poster. I mean... I get my shit from here (previously Reddit), because browsing the rest of the internet fuckin' sucks now. I don't wanna repost stuff, especially at this point in time for the service.

Same, I thought about posting some memes/comics I've saved over the last year or so, but then I realized 95% of them likely came from some reddit post at some point. And just reposting those here without remembering where it came from felt bad, so I didn't. But then I have nothing to post. Ahh!

Fuck that. "Content" is what social media CEOs want. It's the garbage you shovel in front of eyeballs so you can sell those eyeballs to advertisers.

Tell a story. Make something that's fun. Make me feel something. Don't create "content". You aren't a "content creator". You're a person. Make something interesting to other people. Don't be a CEO's fucking content monkey.