Gender equality rule to – 204 points –

There's a sign on the wall of my favourite pub in Belfast, Northern Ireland. It reads:

No topless bathing. Ulster has suffered enough.

Feel free to image search "sunflower pub belfast".

I believe Malta is a Roman Catholic country with some pretty perverse puritan rules and it's in the Mediterranean surrounded by countries and beaches that have always had more liberal approach. So it's not really a surprising sign. Lovely little rock, though. I've been there.

Or you could probably just blame the British.

When in doubt, always blame the Catholics or the British 👍

In all seriousness, you're probably right with your first guess

Perhaps it's not related to gender and is perhaps related to some other reason

The image provided in comments shows its a beach so maybe its to prevent hypothermia ?

How exactly would wearing a bikini top prevent hypothermia?

I realize you’re not a gamer, but I have a “frost guard cuirass of the wintery north” on my female elf, it’s basically a bikini made of dry ice, but it gives +83 to cold resistance.

Can I get "Frost guard socks of the wintery north"?

My feet are basically made of ice.

You'll look better. Bikini top really shines on a blue background

At least until the rigor mortis advances, then you won't really be able to make out the bikini from the ichor.

I realize you’re not a gamer, but I have a “frost guard cuirass of the wintery north” on my female elf, it’s basically a bikini made of dry ice, but it gives +83 to cold resistance.

I realize you’re not a gamer, but I have a “frost guard cuirass of the wintery north” on my female elf, it’s basically a bikini made of dry ice, but it gives +83 to cold resistance.