It would be ironic for song writers to have annoying earworms of songs they wrote to – 52 points –

As someone who has written songs... We get them, and I don't think it's particularly ironic

I once saw Daryl Hall subconsciously singing along to his own song as it played in the store where he was shopping.

Your title has caused Alanis Morisettes Ironic to get stuck in my head 🙁

I think I heard somewhere that that was ABBA's sign that a song was good enough. They didn't write them down, so they had to be catchy enough to remember

The ear worm is what makes me continue writing and recording the song, I want to hear how it turns out.

Seems like it would be exactly what you'd expect, i.e. not ironic at all.

Oh it totally happens. I think part of what makes a performer is whether you find that embarrassing (like me) or if that makes you want to sing them for others.

I'm not a musician, but I like coming up with my own silly little songs. Every once in s while I come up with something less silly that I actually like and it goes through my head for a little while.

I hope my cats likes my singing, because I would never show anyone else. I've got my creative outlet already. I don't need a new form of imposter syndrome

This has happened to me, as a person who writes music and has recorded multiple albums.

It also happened to my bandmates when we had a song we were really focusing on they would tell me how they had been dreaming about the song and having it play in their dreams.

However, I am very susceptible to earworms and it's rare for there to not be music playing in my head.