How old are you? to – -13 points –

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I have the feeling that people in the Threadyverse are on average younger than on Mastodon.

My assumption is:

  • Mastodon: 30 - 45
  • Lemmy, /kbin: 25 - 40

There are polls like that on Mastodon whichvpoint to that, but I haven't seen any on the Threadyverse.


No thank you Zuck

Did we all forget the first rule of going online, to never share personal information, especially on a public forum!

Just turned forty, don't work in tech. Yeah, I know I'm the weirdo here.

Though it does seem so far like lemmings act less teenaged than redditors.

You're overestimating Mastodon. I'd say both are closely similar in demographics.

I am ´̸̢̛̞̓̀͘͜°̸̛͎̗͖̾̃̑ years old.

Seems like the transmission was damaged.

I would actually expect Lemmy to be on the older end - it'll be the older people who remember what social media was like before the term "social media" was a thing.

Old enough to have had a computer that ran cassette tapes and drink driving wasn’t illegal