I released my first game on Steam and got rid of impostor syndrome!

Mika πŸ„ Wishlist Mushy Score@mastodon.gamedev.place to Games@lemmy.world – 362 points –

I released my first game on Steam and got rid of impostor syndrome!

My first game Mushy Score is out on Steam! I have been creating games since I was a child but never felt like a real game dev. Now I finally have a game that I can show to other people.

Mushy Score is a 2D Roguelike where you fight against endless waves of enemies. Collect points and try to get a high score! I am super exited for the release !

If you like similar games go check it out: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2480740/Mushy\_Score/



and got rid of imposter syndrome

Don't worry, steam reviews will fix that.

Jk congrats on the game! Can't wait to check it out

Awesome work. Out of curiosity, what engine did you use and how was your experience with it?

Thank you! I used Monogame and it was interesting experience trying out framework instead of engine. As a long time Unity dev I liked the full freedom with framework and liked creating everything myself. It is probably not best fit for beginners but for someone with C# experience it is something that I would recommend.

Great game. May I add some ideas of improvement?

  • resolution change should be a picker, or at least confirmable without changing the resolution right away
  • align the buttons and other UI elements
  • wordings could be changed because "flower that shoots enemies" made me immediately think that it's going to propel enemies at me
  • there is no way to get back to menu from the game? Return gets me back to the game, Quit shuts the game off.
  • the blue mushroom doesn't react when I press ctrl, as suggested by the icon
  • other UI elements are flashing underneath when drawing UI elements

Otherwise very entertaining. I left a positive steam review. Good job.

It works out of the box on steamdeck.

Most of my testing/playing have been on steamdeck! In my local game events I just walked to people and gave them my steamdeck to test the game :D


Two things I noticed : The green blob appears semi-transparent on the screen score, but not in game. When the powerups appear, there is a square appearing from one or two frame at the center of the level.

Thanks for feedback! I will take a look at these! I think I made the green slime transparent in the score screen so it doesn't cover all other enemies, but power up thing sounds like a bug!

If you want to help game get visibility, writing review on steam would be really helpful!

Hooray and congratulations! That's quite an accomplishment.

Did you posted in https://lemmy.world/c/linux_gaming@lemmy.ml and https://lemmy.world/c/linux_gaming ? As it is a native linux mode, if I understood correctly, you could post there too. And in gamedev communities too.

Bought, will review after I play it in a bit.

Just bought and played it and had a lot of fun! I love the frequent powerups and the variety of the monsters. The first time I saw the toad was truly terrifying! Lol. I'd love to see some kind of powerup that helps with arial enemies. Maybe the plants can shoot upwards, too? Or you can? Or a flying plant? Or a second bullet that goes up at 45 degrees? Anyway, well worth the super low asking price. Looking forward to playing more! It works perfect on the #SteamDeck, too!