Ocasio-Cortez, in House Speech, Accuses Israel of ‘Genocide’, Pleads for Biden to End Israel Aid

return2ozma@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 458 points –
Ocasio-Cortez, in House Speech, Accuses Israel of ‘Genocide’

Brave woman .... if American history serves me right, people like her are liable to get themselves killed or conveniently die for speaking up too much or too loudly

AOC has been mostly silent and very "soft" on the matter until recently. Better late than never I guess.

Brave? This has been going on for 5+ months and she is just now saying something.

Edit: My apologies, I am angry that she hasn't called it a genocide.

This is not her first time speaking about it. She called for a cease fire on October 9th. So a pretty consistent position.

True enough. I stand corrected.

My current disagreement with her is that she hasn't called it a genocide until March 22nd 2024. Up until March 5th (https://www.thejc.com/news/usa/aoc-tells-pro-palestinian-protesters-to-back-off-rrab8k4j) she was publicly being milquetoast with her rhetoric.

I think it's a bit hard as a politician to go all the way to calling something a Genocide. However, the laws we have about military aid don't require going that far. Which is what pisses me off about this. It's so egregious we would have stopped aid to any other country months ago.

You are not correct, but feel free to collect records and let us know why everything she said on the matter was inadequate. Start here, AFAICT her first remark is on Oct. 9: https://ocasio-cortez.house.gov/media

I should have said she has not called it what it actually is, a genocide.

Alright. I am also dismayed that it has taken so long for members of the government to call genocide by its name, we're aligned on that.

Are there other US representatives or senators that called this war a genocide?

There is not. So she is the first and only of the 435.

Doesn't take away that it took her 5 months to call it that when it was obvious that it was a genocide at a much earlier date.

Let's not whatabout them. If she had been turning a blind eye to it I think their comments would be justified regardless of how trash the rest of Congress is or is not. This person is just flat-out wrong, though, she did not wait 5 months to say something.

Ah, can you share an example of someone who has been saying something in the interim? That way you could highlight a politician we should be paying attention to who is doing a better job.

Also, is there logic behind your five month cutoff because I'd love to get some insight the rationale behind the opinion.

No, I am addressing AOC here and not anyone else.

My (corrected) point is that it took her 5 months to call it a genocide. That is the point. It was obvious way before that.

If American history serves me right people will be paranoid over whatever they're told to be paranoid.

She's actually more likely to be killed by a pro-palestine protester given how emotionally unstable the Hamas propaganda is making them. She's already being harassed in the streets by them.

You should go outside.

You first. You're getting paranoid about the evil Jews assassinating a US politician.

If you don't think the internet makes people emotionally unstable and you don't think emotionally unstable people do crazy things, it may be because the internet has put you into an emotionally unstable state. Go outside and touch grass. Eventually Hamas will be forced to release the hostages one way or another and the death will stop. Civilian casualties in a war should be upsetting but understand there isn't anything you can do about it. Falsely claiming genocide and trying to make a war drag on longer by cutting off supplies only makes things worse. It's not going to end until the hostages are freed.

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Wow only took her five months of Genocide and 32.00 Palestinians killed.

Now she's lost all face with the actual left and more than 50% of Democrats already believe israel is committing Genocide, she turns around. Amazing.

Did Bernie say the scary word yet? Or is he still complicit?

ITT so many hurt Liberals downvoting but not commenting.

There are people with whom arguing is sterile.

(of a discussion, an argument, etc.) not producing any useful result synonym fruitless a sterile debate

Well, I learned a new way to use that weird. Thanks!

They care more about God Emperor Biden winning from God Emperor Trump than the fact that Biden is supporting Genocide.

Both parties are now filled with brainless drones that will endorse anything their side does as long as the other side does not win.

Nope. We just accept the win when we get a politician to pivot or advance to the place we think they should be.

I don't know about Democrats being into a God Emperor Biden as that was more of an Obama thing. And even with Obama I don't think it ever hit the level of Trump. Trump fandom truly is special and not in a good way.

Bernie "Zion" Sanders? Bernie "Israel has a right to defend itself" Sanders?

It's so disheartening to go from feeling like even if we lacked substantial representation on the left at least there were a couple people on Capitol Hill making some noise for us, to feeling just completely alienated from the entire project of electoral politics in the US. I guess there are still some folks in the House we can raise up.

He's the sole Senate vote against sending military aid to Israel. Just because he hasn't called it a genocide does not mean he supports Israel. It's not an either/or equation.

Fake squad members like Ilham Omar have turned to pretending AIPAC is a Republican problem. Ignoring that Democrats receive AIPAC bribes as well. Probably even more. Recently saw a Lemmy poster repeating this same BS propaganda about AIPAC being a GOP thing.

What's your beef with Ilhan Omar? I take your point on AIPAC.

Same as with AOC and Bernie. They endorse Biden and deflect criticism of the Genocide to Republicans. Full well knowing that it's Biden currently responsible for the secret weapon shipments and the only reason israel is able to continue their Genocide. It's a giant pile of hypocrisy.

Only Rashida Tlaib put her money where her mouth is. The rest of the squad members went mask off and proved themselves to just be controlled opposition.

Im pretty sure the headline I just read has "Biden" and "Isreal" and "Genocide"

They're still pleading for people to vote for Biden while Biden is actively supplying weapons for the Genocide and not doing anything to stop the Genocide.

Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with this rethoric after the Genocide ends. But not while Biden is actively complicit.

Goalposts.. she should wait until the genocide ends to criticize Biden over his response? The rhetoric is that he should end complacency in relations with Israel

She should certainly not endorse Biden while he is still actively complicit in Genocide. Nobody should.

Well who would you endorse? Nobody? With an incumbent Democrat and for party optics, would you want to go into the next election unorganized? Especially if you can actually influence policy before and after re-election. How is open pressure to change policy not good enough? If its not effective you don't stop pushing. We have already seen the alternative; you arent going to get that with a trump presidency, and he has been clear on his policy regarding Palestinian.

For us, as voters, undecided is by the best that we can do, and honestly voice to our Democratic representatives that this needs to change

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AOC/Bernie exist solely so the leftists don't riot

Or, you know, they are individual human beings with their own political views that happen to resonate with the people who vote for them.

Not everything is a massive conspiracy.

No my man, everything is controlled. Nothing just happens. It's too uncomfortable for me to accept that bad things just happen. It's much easier for me to accept that there are shady forces acting behind the scenes making every bad thing happen.

I'm gonna blame you every time I eat a taco!


How many days have you been clean? Personally I think it's time to jump off the wagon and have a delicious hard taco.