Here’s Why Many Believe Gavin Newsom Is Running For President—Even As He Denies It to politics – 60 points –
Here’s Why Many Believe Gavin Newsom Is Running For President—Even As He Denies It

Because of Biden's age, there's going to be some level of engines being revved on the chance he kicks the bucket.

I think MN governor Walz would be the most qualified to run for president against Biden. I'm glad that he wants to stay in MN though

Washington's Governor Inslee has been mostly very good as well. He's not running for reelection as governor in 2024, but I'm not sure if that means he is retiring. He is yet another old white guy, however.

Inslee has been terrible for Washington overall. He is also a standard corporate Democrat of the worst variety. He fancies himself a progressive by working on his poorly thought out pet social policies, and doesn't have the backbone for the national stage. The last thing we need is some wet blanket corporatist who lacks the courage of his convictions. Just my two cents as a life long Washingtonian.

Another slaver is the last thing we need.

Do you mean because he's white?

“Two-thirds of state and federal prisoners nationwide are required to work, the report said, most without adequate protections against labor exploitation.”

I think this says more about the prison industrial complex than it does any individual state leader.

It does, but if a state leader is still going to support the slave and prison industry… I’m not sure why anyone but confederate kannies would excuse it.