Russian Who Bankrolled Trump’s Truth Social Set Up Dodgy Sex Pill Sites to Not The – 286 points –
Russian Who Bankrolled Trump’s Truth Social Set Up Dodgy Sex Pill Sites

Think of how smug the international mafia caste is feeling for being able to buy a U.S. President.

While he’s being played by the geopolitical class.

You say like they are separate entities. Putin was trained by the KGB. Do you think that he let's crooks take the Fifth and waits for subpoenas or warrants? If there's a Russian mafia, it's because it's serving a higher purpose.

It not possible that the Russian Mafia has more power that the Russian Government? Or are you saying they are one in the same?

They are the same thing. Look at the USA. Back in WW2 the OSS did a deal with Lucky Luciano to infiltrate spies into Italy. Oliver North's Contras gave us the crack epidemic.

The contrarevolucionarios existed before North made a deal with them

So what?

It was North bringing in planes full of guns that were flying back 'empty' that gave them the infrastructure to bring in enough cocaine to start the Crack Wars.

Mastodon is powered by sex toy companies, essay taking services and online casinos. Doesn't seem that out of place to me.

EDIT: For all the down voters, please peep the Mastodon sponsor list: Website boy doesn't get off any more scot-free than anyone else.

T.S is also based on Mastodon and got caught using their code without attribution. That was the joke.

Also, obligatory death to america

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