RFK Jr. repeats debunked vaccine claims in interview with Bill Maher

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 126 points –

Which is the whole point of having Bill Maher as a host, similar to Joe Rogan.

He will accept what you say at face value for his audience and be surprised after the fact that he was 'duped'.

10 more...

These people really just don't give a shit about the harm they cause do they?

That would require empathy. Gotta chase that power instead.

I see this as an absolute win, actually.

by running as a 3rd party on the Crazy Man political platform, he's gonna siphon off some of the hard right wing vote and will make trump look even worse in final results. Whereas anyone who was realistically going to vote for Biden because he's the more "rational" choice is not going to ever give RFK a second look...

Yeah. I agree, RFK is likely a greater threat to spoiling Trump than spoiling Biden... The average democratic voter is seeking rational, truthful rhetoric while the average Republican voter is well.... Seeking a little lesser than that.

Fuck Bill Maher, dude is a wealthy, mediocre entertainer who eats real well pretending to be an everyman. Another disconnected wealthy old dude.

He said that when he “rides around” town — he lives in Beverly Hills — he doesn’t see a country that’s “falling apart.”

“A lot of people are just living their best lives. And they’re not all f—ing rich. It’s not all the top 20%,” he said.

"Bill Maher makes a staggering amount of money for a guy who hosts a weekly talk show", $10 million a year.

Because Bill Maher is an anti vaxer

I used to like his show because it seemed balanced. Then he turned into a huge ass and began going downhill.

At this point, I only watch Maher because I'm a glutton for punishment and/or for the trainwreck aspect of it.

There are a few moments when he makes great points, but the amount of cringe in every episode seems to just keep increasing. And I'm not one of the babies that cannot handle controversy or something considered not "woke" enough, fercrissake.