Just redacted 13 years of interaction and helping people on Reddit

Brad Ganley@toad.work to Reddit@lemmy.world – 358 points –

It honestly feels good. I have been mentally divorced from reddit since they doubled down on their API fuckery. I enjoyed my time there but, at this point, I don't have the energy to move anywhere but forward. I'm glad to have stripped Reddit of my content.

Here's to starting another life. I hope we can make it a good one.


Switching from Reddit to Lemmy feels like going from a mega mall to a local farmer’s market; smaller crowd, better conversations, and you know where everything comes from.

Lemmy right now reminds me of the golden age of reddit about 10 years ago. Feels good, man

I can browse c/All now and have a great time. Sure, there’s a an NSFW post here and there, but unlike Reddit it’s not chock full of some toxic shit.

This place is just good vibes all around.

Yeah man. I still miss when ragecomic memes were mainstream. Kinda wish I could find em now

I deleted a history of over 12,000 comments. 300k comment karma.

my 300k comment karma

Replaced 13 years of comments with 'Fuck you u/spez you capitalist scum', got perma'd 5 hours later. No regrets.

I overwrote all of mine with a link to join-lemmy.org Hellmo

That's cool.

But did you clean your tummy today?

Don't let your emotions and your happiness keep you from doing important stuff, like post here, start communities, reply posts, and clean your tummy.

You wouldn’t happen to be an otter, would you? No judgement either way, just curious.

Same. Only reason my account hasn't been deleted is so I can continue to purge anything that magically returns, which seems to be a lot so far. I delete comments, everything shows deleted, two days later see a response to a comment that shouldn't exist anymore.

10+ years on Reddit. Sad what happened to it but I'm not about to stick around and sink with that ship. There are subreddits I'll miss but at this point it is what it is.

It would be awesome if there were a way to import all of you post and comment history here while deleting it from there. There are a lot of helpful posts and discussions on reddit that will unfortunately set many back in their searches for different answers.

I did a GDPR request for all my data, and then aimed the reddit-user-to-sqlite script at it -- https://github.com/xavdid/reddit-user-to-sqlite

The metadata.json & recommendation to use datasette to interact with it makes finding old comments super easy. I've been going through all my comments sorted by date, clicking each permalink manually and editing-and-deleting them while bored during the workday (meetings, etc.). It has the added benefit of being incredibly difficult to figure out of I'm a bot or not.

I'm thinking of, instead, just pasting the content into chatgpt and editing the responses to leave it in place.

Is there a way to do this but to edit and then delete comments? I have 15 years of comments I don't want to give to spez

I kept a CSV of all of my comments and posts via PowerDelete.

Then I messed up running the tool to update all my posts with a helpful message saying to reach out on Lemmy if needed. But I also kept the "delete" checkbox enabled. Ouch.

So eventually the whole script took much longer to run, edited all my posts with that useful text, only to delete them later on. I felt sorry for that case I had the best intentions, but there was no way of going back at that point.

How are you doing it? I was under the assumption that it's not possible to do now that the API changes have been made.

I'm using Redact. I went through and verified that it worked on my posts and comments just in case. Also, be prepared for more messages from mod bots than you ever thought possible.

Edit: Realized I didn't actually link to the tool I'm using. Oopsie poopsie Patrick dancing