The UK’s controversial Rwanda deportation plan, explained to World – 64 points –
The UK’s controversial Rwanda deportation plan, explained

It is amazing exercise in two-faced dealing that these people can declare Rwanda safe at the exact same time they're using Rwanda as a threat. It's totally safe to go too also you better not come here or else we'll send you there. It's just fascinating.

FWIW, the UK government claims crime is low in Rwanda.

Don't be lgbt though:

LGBT+ travellers

Same-sex sexual activity is not illegal in Rwanda, but is frowned on by locals. LGBT+ travellers can experience discrimination and abuse, including from local authorities.

There are no specific anti-discrimination laws that protect LGBT+ individuals in Rwanda. Read more advice for LGBT+ travellers.

And guess why some of those asylum seekers are fleeing their homelands...

We have "Visit Rwanda" advertised at premier league matches so guessing it's pretty safe. Not saying the plan isn't abhorrent or anything

LOL at the slogan of "Stop the Boats". Literally copied from the Australian Liberal (conservative) party's anti-asylum seeker scaremongering catchphrase. Conservatives really lack originality.

I don't know what the solution to the migration crisis is, but I think history will look back on the Rwanda plan very unfavourably.

While not wishing to conflate genuine refugees with people who are entering the UK illegally, I feel that the hazardous journey people are willing to endure to get here suggests a far worse reality they are leaving. Is it not inhumane to refuse them entry?

On the other hand, the UK does not have finite resources. Our public services have been whittled away for decades. The NHS is on life support, the Police and social services are hopelessly overwhelmed. Schooling is at breaking point.

Eorope has no incentive to do anything but just drum migrants though the Calais border, but they pretty much did that anyway before Brexit.

What is the viable and humane solution?

Address the issue at the source. Find out why these people are willing to risk their lives to leave and try and fix that. At the very least you could create a safe encampment in their home country where they can go to live, receive aid, food, housing etc. Get the UN involved to protect it or something.

This is kinda the same issue as with arresting homeless people for sleeping rough - it addresses (poorly) the symptom, not the cause.

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You're right or wrong depending on the country in Eorope. Some countries offered migrants asylum, but the migrants left for UK anyway. UK's fame is larger than life.

It makes a fair bit of sense for someome that already speaks English to want to claim asylum in an English-speaking country, and a lot of people already speak at least some English. They've got a far better chance of being able to make a life for themselves if they can already converse with everyone.

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How does Rwanda feel about it?

They're being paid more than it would cost to house these refugees for life so pretty great I imagine (especially since they''re not spending any of it on those refugees)