Bernie Sanders to run for fourth term in US Senate to politics – 390 points –
Bernie Sanders to run for fourth term in US Senate

Independent senator, 82, stresses need to improve healthcare and protect abortion rights – and condemns ‘extremist’ Netanyahu

Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent senator and former candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, announced on Monday that he will run for a fourth six-year term – at the age of 82.

In a video statement, Sanders thanked the people of Vermont “for giving me the opportunity to serve in the United States Senate”, which he said had been “the honor of my life.

“Today I am announcing my intention to seek another term. And let me take a few minutes to tell you why.”

In his signature clipped New York accent, Sanders did so.


All power to him, but I hope he spends the next 4 years preparing a successor or 2,3, 4 so his message will live on

We have aoc at least. Are there any other names that are as popular as them two currently?

He needs a successor in Vermont. Warren's been steadily building up the stature of other progressives in Massachusetts (presumably Ayanna Pressley will eventually take her seat), but I don't have a clue who the next Bernie would be in Vermont. I think we're just going to start from zero when the time comes.

Why are you being downvoted

I see upvotes now. Maybe they thought I was being facetious or reductionist? I was just asking a genuine question. Bernie and AOC are the household names I know for people in government that are actually trying for us. Wish there were more as popular.

I hate that the government is full of deteriorated octogenarians. BUT Bernie Sanders is the last one that should leave.

He’s the exception to the rule. He hasn’t lived a life as someone born after 1980, but he’s actually listened to those people and he understands the barriers they face.

My only hope is that, if he starts to slip, he remains sharp enough to know it’s time to step aside, and he doesn’t pull a Feinstein.

It’s Vermont. How likely is it that a republican’s going to be elected if he doesn’t run? I can’t even process why Bernie wants to be working when he’s 88 but that’s what he’s setting himself up for.

I don’t like being governed by people who are 40 years my senior. Bernie is no exception. Time to pass the torch.

How likely is it that a republican’s going to be elected if he doesn’t run?

How likely is it that his replacement will be a progressive, given the party's years of anti-progressive fuckery?

OK so what's the logical conclusion here? Bernie has to stay in office until he literally dies because his seat might go to a Democrat?

I mean, kind of. Socialist/the progressive left have a toehold in our government. Bernie sanders has done a shit ton to drag the Overton window towards the left (see healthcare for just one example) both in his run for president and his time as a senator passionately arguing in favor of leftism. Our country is designed not to build coalitions with anything but the two ruling parties. It's a good thing though that there are people like AOC, who, while not as radical as Bernie and has some questionable positions, are able to become the new guard.

The very fact that you can think of people who qualify as the new guard just tells me that Bernie has more of a legacy in place than he might think. He went from giving speeches to completely empty chambers to there being an entire 'squad' of politicians that share his views. That is progress. That is a major accomplishment that he should be thrilled about!

I get that people like him, and I'm sure he doesn't feel like he's too old, but I'm firmly of the mind that age limits in government are necessary. Being a spry 82-year-old is still being an 82-year-old. He can find a progressive millenial or gen z-er in the state of Vermont to throw his weight behind for the future. If he can't, well frankly that's his fault and not a valid excuse to be yet another dinosaur clinging to power.

No, just that he may be holding on for essentially that reason.

Listen. I really, really like Bernie, but, man... You are 82 years old. What the fuck are you doing?

He’s only one year older than Biden. If Sanders acts like he’s too old to serve another term, it’ll make Biden seem too old as well.

The average age of the people in the US political system never ceases to amaze me.

Man, I hate that that's a pretty good point. I think he could certainly retire without it being for age reasons, but gerontocracy gotta support each other.

Ok but the other side of this argument is that folks like Chuck Grasley and Mitch McConnell won’t leave either.

I’m really just over the idea of 80 year olds being our leaders, and I’m not the only one who feels that way.

And Trump is only three years younger than Biden. But for some reason, Trump is just some young buck to Republicans when they talk about age.

I've avoided saying anything about Biden's age because of how singularly vicious centrists have been about Sanders' age for most of a decade.

I figured Biden's age is why centrists decided to cool it on the ageism about Trump.

Guess they're only ageist against politicians to their left.

He should have resigned and endorsed someone who shared the same platform. He's going to be 88 years old when he finishes his next term for fucks sake. We need term limits for congress ASAP (for both sides for whoever thinks this is a partisan issue, just don't bother).

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent senator and former candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, announced on Monday that he will run for a fourth six-year term – at the age of 82.

In a video statement, Sanders thanked the people of Vermont “for giving me the opportunity to serve in the United States Senate”, which he said had been “the honor of my life.

In 2016 he surged to worldwide prominence by mounting an unexpectedly strong challenge to Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination, from the populist left.

Announcing another election run, Sanders stressed the need to improve public healthcare, including by defending social security and Medicare and lowering prescription drug prices; to combat climate change that has seen Vermont hit by severe flooding; to properly care for veterans; and to protect abortion and reproductive rights.

“We must codify Roe v Wade [which protected federal abortion rights until 2022] into national law and do everything possible to oppose the well-funded rightwing effort to roll back the gains that women have achieved after decades of struggle,” Sanders said.

Addressing an issue which threatens to split Democrats in the year of a presidential election, Sanders said: “On October 7, 2023, Hamas, a terrorist organization, began the war in Gaza with a horrific attack on Israel that killed 1,200 innocent men, women and children and took more than 230 hostages, some of whom remain in captivity today.

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