girls rule to – 296 points –

These signals are too subtle, maybe you're just being kind.

"Every moment I spend with you, I wish time would stand still so I could enjoy the moment for eternity. I feel hollow and dull when I spend a day without you. My heart buckles when you weep and surges when you laugh. When you smile at me, I float. Your disappointment makes me sink through the floor. My mind races when you don't respond, only to clear once you do. I adore you 💗"

That's so sweet! I'm glad she cares about me, but I'm sure it doesn't mean anything deeper. People don't feel this way about me.

Bahahhaha that's great. Does this quote have a source or did you just freewrite this?

I wrote it 🥺

I think you did great tbh! 10/10 teenage me would absolutely 100% never had any idea you were into them. But I also didn't figure out I was asexual until my mid twenties so idk if I can really count as a data point lol.

Damn. That is really good writing. You should be proud. Have you considered doing something in this direction?

That may or may not be an direction I've mulled over for a number of years before our current moment :3

"She's just being nice don't be weird don't be a creep don't ruin our friendship she's just being nice....."

A bitey girl, the dream

A girl bit me hard on the arm once. She was very close to breaking the skin. Gotta say, I wasn't impressed at the time!

À girl bit my ass once and it pumped so much adrenaline in my blood I want more

An older goth girl bit me on the arm as a child. Completely inappropriate behavior and I've been chasing that high ever since.