DNA database to be used to crack down on dog faeces in French town

Reclipse@lemdro.id to World News@lemmy.world – 199 points –
DNA database to be used to crack down on dog faeces in French town

I mean, my shitty apartment did this too. They required a fecal sample from every pet so if there was a problem they knew who to blame

I had this idea years ago (requiring dog owners to provide a DNA sample, test poo, fine owners). It'll never happen in my country (UK), all the systems already in place are broken and fucked let alone adding a new licensing system. It's getting crazy over here with bully XL attacks though so maybe something will change once enough toddlers & pensioners have been mauled to death.

See, this is the sort of landlord fuckery that gets tenants to start feeding raccoons.

I would 100% hand over some dog shit to never have to step in it again. Fuck my dogs privacy lol

It was actually pretty great. In 2 years there was only 1 problematic dog. Measures like those generally keep the irresponsible owners away

Depends on the definition of problem. If there reallu.was.one.or two not being responsible and all the others were picking up then even as a dog owner I wouldn't want those inconsiderate to give me and my pup.a bad name.

As much as I hate people not picking up their dog poo, I'd like to see leash laws enforced more. I don't care if you're dog is super nice, my dog might not react well to little Skippy running up to me.

100% this.

If I had a grudge against a dog owner then what’s to prevent me from stalking them, recovering dog poop that they properly dispose of, then dumping it in somebody’s yard to get them in trouble?

So you know exactly whose door to throw the doggie-bag against. I like it!

Keep in mind that the mayor is infamous for his positions and opinions. Any publicity is good publicity. He is far right and among other things he supports torture, death penalty, the great replacement theory. He is a fucking nutjob. For reference.

While I generally like the idea, so dog holders can be held accountable, I see so much room for abuse here. Grab a poo bag out of the trash bin of someone you don't like, throw it on a lawn and you've created a ticket. Will be difficult to prove an alibi.

The town I was living in at the time did this about 10 years ago. It was a huge success, all of the problems were caused by a handful of people who didn't care to clean up. They were given finds and one person even got community duty and had their dog taken away from them (the dog was abused). Afterwards the problem was mostly gone.

Yes it costs money, but the results are excellent.

Let’s keep this in mind as we are being requested to share more of our biometrics…

I swear I saw this exact same headline more than 20 years ago. Seems like it never really got started.