Americans will find a new way to ruin their tastebuds every single day

MacN' to Lemmy – 128 points –

You know how in the ancient past there was the dude who ate the toxic mushroom and everyone else was like "Damn!"

That's the role Americans are playing here, pushing the frontiers of what's edible so you don't have to. It's a public service really.

Sweet flavors are nothing new on wings.

I wouldn't expect to actually enjoy wings that get the sweet from koolaid, but fuck it I'm down to try a bite.

I'd give it a shot. Sweet heat and fruit flavors are common in hot sauces. I'd bet they're not amazing but only one way to find out...

These can't be much worse than most restaurants idea of suicide sauce. I'd try it

That looks disgusting... but I'll smash anything once!

This is probably one of those mustard and Oreo things that makes sense only after you eat it.

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If you need a gimmick to eat a certain food, you don't really like that particular food.