Any of you folks around before epoch need a new job? to Programmer – 313 points –

"Pay attention to details..."

"Our code is a buggy mess and no one so far has been able to fix it"

"Please god come throw your body in the pile we use to fill up the holes. We are very nearly out of unwitting flesh here."

If they require at least a 71yo, assuming the person started working at 16 and has dedicated their entire life to develop software without ever touching management positions, ... At what age does people retire in that country??

You guys get to retire?

Damn... I swear no one will ever see me again after my 65th birthday, I'll be on the beach, probably knitting till I die

I feel like this is a typo and the 55 is intended to just be 5

I can only assume this company put so much effort into their role posting because they're specifically trying to hire quiet quitters that are concurrently holding five or more jobs. I'd encourage any such persons to apply.

Are passionate about the development lifecycle of other engineers and their pain points.

If you've been coding for 55+ years, you've almost gone through a whole engineer life cycle and you most probably know a lot about pain points.

Does it count if I have "5" years of experience in Go and 5 in Nodejs?

::: spoiler ᵉᵈⁱᵗ

Added quotation marks around the first number to make it a string :::