This is real rule. to – 256 points –

Are beans allowed again on Lemmy?

I don't know, but they sure as shit shouldn't be allowed on pizza.

I want one now

I'll take that chicken tikka lasagna too

chicken tikka lasagna

Excuse me, the what now?

This actually looks pretty good. It’s a shame that most American made goods that you can microwave legitimately will kill you with salt. I would personally eat this myself.

I can assure you this is not American. If it were I would have had one by now. According to the Instagram link this was found in Iceland.

Also Heinz brand baked beans are British, so I'm assuming that is the country where this masterpiece was created

What’s with the “z” in “Beanz”? Usually, an improperly-spelled food word betrays all sorts of fake shit. For example, wyngz.

I think it’s supposed to be like, “Heinz”, the brand that makes them.

Ooh, Casey's now has a veggie breakfast pizza, I should try that sometime.

Also ngl, I think taco pizza is the most sacrilegious Midwest pizza sin... but I've been wanting to make one at home swapping the ground beef for beans.

Legit British cuisine

I honestly didn't expect that but once I saw the pic I hoped it was true, and oh man was I pleasantly surprised

Edit: I do hope to find it in the states to at least give it a try. I'm not one to just not try a food item because it sounds odd.

Never spend time in South Korea. They put corn and sweet potato on pizza. And that's just where it starts.