Solving CAPTCHA for 'Bicycle' -- Include Rider? to No Stupid – 41 points –

I wish to solve CAPTCHA with bicycles, motorcycles etc. in a manner consistent with chaotic good alignment, benevolence, humanitarianism, etc. Shall I select squares that include riders/passengers but not also their conveyance? Was reminded of my uncertainty about this when reading this recent post by @Wilshire to the Technology community.


CAPTCHAs are solved by consensus. Whatever the CAPTCHA thinks a bicycle is depends on what people before it selected. Sometimes it doesn't know and just uses your answer to set up future CAPTCHAs. So you should be thinking: what would other people (or bots) select for the CAPTCHA.

Thank you for the insight. Having little understanding of the purposes of CAPTCHA beyond what is implied by the acronym, I would be concerned if what seems implied in this comment thread were actually true. Clearly there's a bit of tongue-in-cheek, but it seems reasonable to me as a layman that some implementations could produce data usable to train autonomous driving systems. I realize it's possible there's no simple answer to my original question, and wouldn't be the first time I've overthought something.

I do not include the rider when I get bicycle or motorcycle cycle CAPTCHAs. Sometimes it's correct, sometimes it's incorrect.

01010010 01100101 01100100
01110010 01110101 01101101

$ echo "$((2#01010010)) $((2#01100101)) $((2#01100100)) $((2#01110010)) $((2#01110101)) $((2#01101101))"

82 101 100 114 117 109

Reads 'Redrum' in ASCII. A reference to The Shining, I suppose. If there's a joke it's lost on me, sorry. Was kinda fun spending 10min decoding that, though :)

Nice, glad you enjoyed it.
I was just going off of what if OP was a bot trying to trick us into solving the captcha. Went with redrum cuz it's evil, and more importantly, it was short. Didn't want to spam a long comment for a silly joke.

Those are specific items. I don't see why you would include people.

I don't include the rider. More confusing are stairs and crosswalks: where do they start and end? Often, there is no crosswalk on the picture but you have to select other road markings to continue. So it doesn't really matter.

I always include the rider because the picture of the bike is on the street. A bike or motorcycle on a street is "everything I do not want to hit".

Don't they have an ai for that? Or is it something the billion dollar systems still can't manage?

Lol, I would love it if someone coded a plugin that solved all of these captchas for me.

I could probably pay someone $50 a pop to solve it for me for the rest of my life and not reach even 1billion.