Is has all the nutrients the body needs

🍹Early to RISA πŸ§‰ to Lemmy – 843 points –

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My dad eats saltines with butter. Not peanut butter. Butter butter.

My Grandma taught me to butter the saltines when we have Chili and to scoop a little chili on the butter saltine. I might need to make some chili tonight now haha

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I know I sound disgusting, but sometimes I eat saltines and straight up dip them in/scoop up butter like it's a dip. It's good.

It was difficult for me to not downvote this comment haha

I mean, American butter or European?

Europe has their own butter too?

Yea essentially the requirements to call a product 'butter' are stricter in Europe and American butter can have a higher water content / lower fat content than European butter. Check out this video for more info:

You ferment the milk before making butter. Very good. You're basically making it out of yogurt or sour cream.

I used to do this, but between a pair of saltines and with margarine rather than butter.

I never claimed to be healthy.

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