Tenth bus of migrants from Texas arrives in LA

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 221 points –
Tenth bus of migrants from Texas arrives in LA

Another bus from Texas carrying migrants from south of the border arrived in Los Angeles Saturday, the 10th such arrival since June 14, Mayor Karen Bass' office announced.


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Why are they not charging Abbott with kidnapping? This is clearly kidnapping.

Whoa! Whoa. Everyone calm down. It's OK. He's allowed to break the law to harm the vulnerable. He's a conservative.

human decency no longer a public requirement for being republican. got it.

It hasn't been in my lifetime. What mythical version of conservatism are you talking about?

There was a mythical time long, long ago when being conservative meant being slow to change.

It hasn't been almost since after Lincoln. In the 1930s several Republicans were caught plotting a fascist overthrow of the us government.

because the conservatives currently in charge of the federal government dont want to 'make waves' by actually affecting any change.

im sorry, i wanted to say democrats, but lets be real. current democrats are nothing but yesterdays conservatives.

biden could literally put the DOJ on this, and make arrests, but he wont. because he is a Conservative democrat.

No. It is not a good idea for the President to direct the DoJ to prosecute his political rivals.

Throw a fucking fit all you want, pretend Democrats are conservatives all you want. But eliminating the independence of the justice system and demanding it prioritize political opponents of the regime is corrupt shit.

Joe Biden is doing the right thing by not demanding the DoJ prosecute. I'm not even sure what law he would use, unless the migrants were lured under false pretenses. Handing someone a bus ticket isn't human trafficking or illegal in and of itself, and governors have wide legal immunity against criminal prosecution for their actions.

No. It is not a good idea for the President to direct the DoJ to prosecute his political rivals.

When they are blatantly breaking laws it absolutely is a good idea to prosecute them! They aren't fucking royalty, they are people who happened to get elected into office and deserve to be treated the same as anyone else when it comes to human trafficking.

I don't see any evidence that they're human trafficking. If they're just offering a bus ride to California and not compelling people to take it, that sounds legal, if scummy. Handing someone a bus ticket or chartering them a bus to somewhere they want to go isn't human trafficking.

They are lying to the people to get them on the bus, which fits the definition. It is the same thing as someone in another country saying that they have a job lined up or certain connections to get people to a place they wouldn't actually want to go if they knew the truth.

Are they? I know the people DeSatan sent to Martha's Vineyard were lied to, but I don't have anything which suggests these people were lied to. Saying things like "there's more jobs in California" or whatever doesn't really count

Wait, are you saying that although another Republican governor was caught blatantly lying about the exact same situation that we need to hold off on judgement on a second one doing the same thing?

I'm saying that there's not much legal ability to prosecute a governor for their official actions they take while in office.

Which is absolutely stupid.

I mean, okay, but calling it stupid doesn't make prosecuting Greg Abbott a good idea. Personally, I just root for tree branches to finish the job

Wait, so you're saying "don't prosecute him, just execute him extrajudiciously by lynching?"

More like crossing my fingers that another tree branch falls on him. I don't support political violence. I just will nature to do a better job next time.

I live eight miles from the Texas border, it's dark humor.

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The three elements to look for in an HT case (by Texas Penal Code) are Force, Fraud or Coercion. Abbott is lying to them to get them onto busses (fraud). He's also using the presence of law enforcement in guiding them to busses (coercion). He then profits by the positive publicity he receives for these actions.

Incidentally, according to the victims' interviews, they are being told that "this is the process". They are not being sold on a bus trip to California, they are being told "get on the bus, this is how we do things" and are usually not even told their destination. Their familes are waiting for them in places other than California. They would never agree to this.

Abbott may never be charged, but he is violating both Texas and U.S. law (which is extremely similar for HT cases) in doing this. No one in TX can arrest or charge the governor, obviously. So, it's up to the DOJ to do something. Since Garland is a conservative and Biden is too nice to demand action, this harmful conservative behavior will continue.

Conservatism is a plague of oppression in dire need of a cure.

No, even if everything you said was true - and I'm not sure it is - Abbott is protected against criminal prosecution for actions he takes as governor in his official capacity, outside of some specific exceptions like corruption. Since it's Texas state policy to charter buses and transport migrants elsewhere, what he is doing doesn't fall under the DoJ's purview.

If anyone were to try to stop this using the courts, it would have to be California. They'd have to sue in federal court to get an injection against Texas continuing to send them migrants. I'm not sure what law they'd use or if there even was one, but they're the injured party and would be the only party with standing.

It would be a political non-starter for any California Governor to indicate the immigrants are unwelcome.

Sue for costs, maybe? But we (California) keep describing migrants as net positives to our economy, so it would undercut messaging.

I don't think California could sue for costs, only sue to stop a policy which affects them. Sovereign immunity, I think would cover this

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I filed a police report against them and got taken down by 2 dozen cops who shut down three square blocks to do so and ransacked my place. Spent two days in solitary before seeing a judge who, none the wiser of what LAPD had done, wiped my entire criminal record clean. LA cops, lawyers, and more were dog whistling their support, informing about new surveillance intricacies and how to proceed without raising alarms. They didn't want to, but said they had to follow up to satisfy the little Hitlers.

Garland's new policy on political threats, I think, is a major blow to conservatives, because they are more prone to self incrimination, impulsive escalation, and emotional reasoning. The fact it's now a felony is a big deal; they are being brought to heel; it's realpolitiks and I'm here for it. I know a man in New York got pinched yesterday for threatening MTG, but people with no priors used to be really powerful. Now, not so much.

Abbott and Desantis are cutting off the nose to spite the face and each stunt is just another truckload of evidence--sometimes literally. Tying the misleading brochures to the leaders is critical. Conservatives also are unaware of how far reaching digital forensics can be. If you think the repudiation of fascism will end with the downfall of MAGA, you've got another thing coming. And it's going to look a lot like Nuremberg.

Is this some kind of copypasta? I'm all for accountability but this sounds... excessive and dramatic.

I filed a police report against them and got taken down by 2 dozen cops who shut down three square blocks to do so and ransacked my place

people with no priors used to be really powerful

And it’s going to look a lot like Nuremberg


I have proof, I've been fighting for years. Every charge, every hospital stay, every police report. People are going to systematically charge every maga adjacent over the next 2 decades, and RICO laws will adapt. It's okay to be scared, just leave the fighting to the fighters lol.

Edit: the excessiveness was because they thought I was building a bomb when in reality I was just programming and tinkering with electronics. They had to shut down the Park, the elementary school and evacuated 1000+ people because Ron DeSantis' people took exception and demanded it.

For it to be kidnapping it'd have to be against their will. Since they're illegally in the country, it's human trafficking, but unlikely to be kidnapping.

The decision, since they were already caught, is either "you're being deported to Mexico" or "you can go to LA, a sanctuary city where you can not be deported"

Again, it's human trafficking for sure... But without more information it's tough to say kidnapping.

Yeah the pearl clutching is hilarious. It doesn't really make sense for the states not directly affected by illegal immigration to force the states against it to accept and house them. Between the only two options (back to Mexico or free bus ride to a sanctuary city), this seems like the better of the two options.

Shit, it's not like California isn't the best place out of the three options. No immigrants want to go to Texas where they know they'll be hated, they just want to leave Mexico.

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