Baldur's Gate 3's companions were overly horny due to a bug to – 358 points –
Baldur's Gate 3's companions were overly horny due to a bug

If you found the companions in Baldur's Gate 3 to be a little too horny, well, it turns out that was due to a bug.

Relationships are a big part of the game's appeal, but there's no denying that companions come on a little too strong right from the off.

Speaking to TheGamer, game director Swen Vincke admitted that romances were bugged at the game's launch and have since been tweaked.


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I had a convo with gale at the celebration post goblin camp and he was all about inviting me to see some magic trick and I was like cool, sure why not

then I speak to asterion and he's like "so your'e gonna fuck gale huh? Good on ya man"

I was like, what?

the romance in this game is definitely forced and overly aggressive

Yeah I just had a scene where wyll asked me to dance and I was ready to dunk on him with my skillz but instead they danced and make out and the game didn't even ask me if I wanted to

This is the classic mass effect dialogue option meme where you pick a mellow option and then the MC lashes out.

A: "No." B: "that's a great idea"

You pick a. Then: "Why would you ever suggest that idea, that's horrible, I want you out of my group!"

One of my favorite youtube channels did a riff on this

Okay I just spent a while watching some of their videos <.<; Thanks(?) for sharing... I think... 🤔

Ugh, I hate bad PC writing. It's bad enough when it's "I agree 100%," "I agree 100% and wanna s your d," and "You're the stupidest, ugliest, evilest piece of absolute crap I have ever seen in my life and I'd kill you myself if it wouldn't get your blood in the carpet" but then some games just insist on somehow making it non-obvious which is which >:|

You might have missed a lot of signals over the years if you didn't grok that his hips weren't lying.

"hi lae'zel we just met --"

"i want your moisture"


I literally took all the options that piss her off short of killing her and she still tried coming onto my PC.

I really hope that has been fixed.

I mean, being a combative dick to her is pretty much her aphrodisiac.

Any other character I'd agree with you, but I wouldn't be surprised if Lae'zel is into that.

Yup, sounds pretty much in character.

:::spoiler Spoiler

I mean she literally has you fight her as a romantic encounter, initiative roll and all. :::

Bae'zel fucking me after I slaughtered the whole goblin camp was totally ok for her character.

I never went to camp when they invited me to the party and the next time I saw everybody was in act 2. Did I miss a lot?

Kind of sorta not really?

It's a fun wrap-up to act 1 before you dive into the underdark or the mountain pass. It also serves as an important relationship set-up - it's where you're meant to establish who you want to romance, if anyone.

But it's probably not required so