Probably a stupid question, but will we ever have something like a microwave to make things cold? Is there a reason this can't exist? to – 486 points –

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All you need to do, is figure out a way to use electro magnetic radiation to slow down particles.

It's just a small technical challenge.

From these 2 sentences, I have written a 52 pages PowerPoint presentation to get funds from Wall Street.

I expect to find ~$2 bn.

See you in jail!

Hah! My ChatGPT bot did 60 slides in 90 seconds, and submitted it hours before yours. See YOU in court!

Hah! Jokes on both of you, I submitted a super generic patent for "cold microwave" YEARS ago to leech off of anyone who manages to actually invent this technology in my lifetime. See you BOTH in court (and probably also jail)!

Calm down there Elizabeth Holmes

Easy, just invert the polarity of the microwaves

i turn the microwave upside down

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