Europeans, what is something that Americans have/do that makes no sense to you?

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Putting american flags everywhere. What do you want to tell me with that? That you like the country? Obviously you do or else you wouldn't live there

Obviously you do or else you wouldn’t live there

Don't make such assumptions.

Yeah, when you live in the US, moving anywhere else isn't as easy as packing up your things to go to a new country. We don't have the benefit of an EU or Schengen Zone.

Obviously you do or else you wouldn't live there

Very much not true. Moving to another country full time is not particularly easy for a lot of people.

Oh actually no most of us can’t reasonably leave. We don’t have a shengen type deal or financial security so leaving is actually quite difficult for most of us.

I asked an American who was getting citizenship in my country if they were going to relinquish their american citizenship and was told that was pretty much unthinkable for an american.

Yeah I can’t imagine why I would. Like the country has its huge issues but holy fuck is our passport an amazing thing to have. It’s a thing of nobody but us will fuck with us.

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It takes swathes of resources to get out of this hellhole. You wanna provide about $50k and a guaranteed job / housing / transport out for me? Then I can leave.

They do this in Europe too though (not with the US flags, obviously).

Norway is particularly famous for flying the flag everywhere.

Fair, I have also seen plenty of flags in Denmark.

As a German it weirds me out. We don't do that kind of nationalism any more.

Switzerland also. People have proper flagpoles in their garden, it's quite stange.

I see a good bit of flag waving in the Netherlands as well. In France though I'd be weirded out if I saw one besides on official buildings and stuff.

Yes, if you see a private home in France with the French flag, you'd pretty much assume the people living there are far right extremists. Normal people use the Brittany flag instead.

I was very pleased aghast that they had porn on TV in Europe after a certain hour when visiting in my teenage years.

they had softcore porn at the airport in Moscow when I visited in the mid-90s! i was a young teenager being mesmerized by tits.

I've been to european countries where they do this too.

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