Biden Mocks House Republicans Over Impeachment Inquiry: ‘Lots of Luck!’

Flying to politics – 626 points –
Biden Mocks House Republicans Over Impeachment Inquiry: ‘Lots of Luck!’

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Lauren Boebert needed 4 tries to pass a GED. She's the perfect representation of the Republican party now.

Did she actually?!

Failed it three times, finally succeeded at the age of 34, just a few months before the election that put her in the House.

She also married a (somewhat rich) sex offender. But has now divorced him in favor of a guy who was groping her in the theater she was kicked out of. She was also giving him a handy.

A suggested edit:

But has now divorced him in favor of a Democrat-aligned LGBTQ-supporting, drag show-hosting bar owner who was groping her in the theater she was kicked out of. She was also giving him a handy.

This brings me joy and I want to make sure her support network is fully aware of it.

A link to what I’m sure is a trustworthy source:

Like, I agree with you. But you know her supporters either don't care or will come up with some crazy way to justify it.

Of course she should give him a handy in a theater! Women exist as sexual objects to serve men at all times! It would have been morally wrong for her to not have greased his pole!

Western slope Republicans, probably.

They'll probably say that a filthy Democrat was fondling her...

I love that she was jerking him off in the theater, like she was some kind of raunchy teen from the 50s or something, and not, you know, a 36 year old grandmother.

That should have been the headline. 36 y/o grandma Lauren Bobhead jacks boyfriend off in theater

Should have, but there's no teeth in Liberal media.

You do know that is a good thing right?

We don't need the rhetoric of us-vs-them.

No one's saying we have to twist the truth, but if you think the "big tent" collective of Independents & Democrats are as adept at Messaging as Fox News, Glenn Beck, Joe Rogan, Facebook, Twitter/X, conservative radio, and conspiracy websites...

You are almost enough out-of-your mind to join them. Yes, we need to be tougher on them, but the "mainstream media" doesn't work for Democrats, they work for clicks and views...

They will use that as a way to claim that he is the one 'corrupting' her sexually...

It is amusing to think that they would not drop her for so many other things (vaping in public, groping in public, being a complete Karen in public), but associating with a Democrat ? That's a bridge too far, buddy!

I thought the sex offender wasn't remotely rich until he mysteriously landed some sweetheart contract a couple months before Bobo was elected.

I think he might have been an oil worker of some sort which are usually pretty well paid. The real money comes from his $500k/yr oil "consulting" job he got after she was elected, and is definitely qualified for

he also owns a LGBTQ bar or club which she claims to be against.

On May 31, Boebert claimed children at a North Carolina school were being taught colors from an "LGBT flag flashcards with a pregnant man," adding: "We went from Reading Rainbow to Randy Rainbow in a few decades, but don't dare say the Left is grooming our kids!"

On June 6 she said: "Take your children to CHURCH, not drag bars."

On August 18, Boebert tweeted a photograph showing an advert for a "Drag Queen Story Hour," hosted in a public library.

She added: "Sending a message to all the drag queens out there: stay away from the children in Colorado's Third District!"

Sorry, I'm practically staggered by all the Family Values these Republicans believe in and display...

I was reading another thread and wondering who she was