Night owls and early birds to Lemmy – 2241 points –

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That's insane. He's literally saying "early bird gets the worm" is true and we should punish the early bird. When the obvious solution is to set your damn alarm earlier.

Christ I hate you people. You think everyone is a morning person, some people are just lazy about it. You are literally incapable of imagining that other people are not like you.

Yes I know many people are lazy, and the last thing anyone would call me is a morning person. But I am motivated to earn money and make my business succeed which means making decisions that financially benefit the company first.

Or figure out something that doesnt require you to be up that early?? There is science out there that there are genuinely "morning people" and "night owls", setting an alarm is a fine thing to do but it literally is in opposition to some people biology. I have been fortunate in my line of work (nursing, where shifts are usually either 7am or 7pm start times) to find a shift that starts and noon and ends at mid night, perfect for me.

Yeah exactly, there's plenty of demand and opportunities for 2nd shift or 3rd shift work out there. Just because there's no demand for 3rd shift bank tellers doesn't mean there's a problem.

Excellent use of your empathy there.

If I have to do it so should everybody mentality.

If some humans can handle lactose and others can’t. Some suffer from migraines whilst others don’t etc. you don’t think it’s possible that we also have different circadian rhythms.

Perhaps you could exercise some critical thought. Maybe go read any of the various studies on sleep and make an informed decision rather than a knee jerk reaction.

Also, positive intent. Just assume people are being truthful for the most part. Life is easier if you’re not looking to shit on people.

I run a business, not a therapy group. Assuming people are being truthful is how people walk all over you. Trust is earned.

No. Trust is lost.

If Apple can exercise positive intent as a core tenant of their business then so could yours.

Assuming everyone is out to get you is how you end up bitter.

If you believe Apple is practicing what it preaches I have a bridge to sell you. But yes, trust that is earned can be lost very easy.

I mean I did work there for 3 years but sure you know better.

as CEO? any other C-suite position? Because a publicly traded company's #1 duty is to generate profit for share holders. "touchy feely nice nice" policies go as far as they can before they start impacting profit.

Why does making things fair for everyone mean punishing the currently privileged people to you?

I'm a privileged business owner, I'm open when I say I'm open. I'm not going to start a nigh shift just because someone wants to work one. they only way I would is if some government entity punished me and forced me to do so.

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Adapting a system to suit more people when it exclusively suits you will always feel like oppression. In reality it is letting others enjoy the privilege that you already enjoy

They system already adapted by creating electricity and alarm clocks, and for the night owls, night shifts.

Night shifts are the only night owl specific concession and society as a whole of very much does not run like that. Flexible work schedules are the outlier by a wide margin.

Still glad to see it improving

What's it like being so willfully wrong?

you'll have to let me know.

Too dumb to be self aware, too dumb to judge how confident you should be. Tragic really.

That's a little long, but think we can make it fit on your headstone.

So if I set my alarm earlier than I will turn it off and wait for my emergency alarm to go off.

I should got into bed earlier: well it might work but I am just not tired then. If I go to bed at 10 or 11 pm I will just stay awake for hours in my bed.

Luckily I have wfh and don't have to attend meetings before 10 am. Sometimes I get out of bed 10 minutes before 10 and I still feel tired.

you do not exist

you are simply trolling

block and don't reply

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