Kevin McCarthy is ousted as House speaker in a historic vote pushed by conservatives to – 797 points –
Live updates: Kevin McCarthy removed as House speaker

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The freedom caucus can block any nominee they want, and Republicans have made it clear they won’t accept someone that wants to work with Dems. It took 15 votes to get McCarthy as it was. I am not hopeful.

The freedom caucus can only block nominees if no compromise is made with dems. The gop can give concessions and have a speaker tomarrow if they like.

If they dont, then the house will have no speaker, and the GOP will get no bills passed of any type. The budget will be CRs until the election because none of the middle of the road GOP wants the shutdown fallout.

Then, hopefully all these clowns get walloped.

No bills can be brought without a speaker, so no CRs until a speaker is elected. The temp running the show has 3 powers: He can call a recess, adjourn, and call a vote for the speaker. That’s it. No other legislation passes unless they can get off their asses and put in a speaker.

Which would also imply they can't bring an impeachment vote in front of the House.

I've been saying for a while now that the best way to fight fascism (before it gets to its terrible end state) is to push them to fight each other in purity contests. This is a good example.

Can the govt shutdown proceed without a speaker?

Yes. A government shutdown is what happens when Congress fails to pass a law that allows the federal government the necessary funds to operate. If the House is unable to pass such a law, the federal government will shut down.

Oh yeah. 40 some days left.

Conservatives can't govern.

If we oversimplify what happened, it's hilarious that they are mad at him for voting with Dems, so they got rid of him by voting with Dems.

And one of the more likely scenarios is the non-freedom caucus GOP cuts a deal with Democrats to neuter freedom caucus’ power.

Which is what McCarthy should have done a while ago. "I won't do this stupid impeachment inquiry as long as you back me when they try to oust me"

You're assuming Kevin is smart.

I think he's just terrified of Trumps base.

He is(edit: terrified, not smart). For sure. But the way you strip their power is by ripping the band-aid off and stop kowtowing to their non sense. That's what actual leadership is. Saying "we need to do it this way because it's the right thing to do" even if it's hard or unpopular.

The Republican moderates, if any actually still exist, could take back control of their party if they really had the balls to. It would require them to call a spade a spade, and then start working with Democrats.

Only cuz abstain is same as a no vote tho, really.

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