Spotify Premium Will Include Instant Access to 150,000+ Audiobooks (UK/AUS tomorrow, US to follow) to – 262 points –
Spotify Premium Will Include Instant Access to 150,000+ Audiobooks — Spotify

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Cool, now can we get a cheaper plan that just plays music?

Sorry, best we can do is make a new tier at the same price that only plays music, while we jack up the price of the new Premium Plan to account for 'rising market costs'!

rising market costs

= "paying right wingers like Joe Rogan to shit out podcasts on our service"

Like him or not, he's like the most popular journalist in the world now or something.

Is JRE considered news? This is not a bad faith question, I just never thought it was news

I'd say he falls into the radio/podcast talk show host category.

Some people can't talk to people unless they know what they are subscribed to politically.

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To be fair spotify bleads money, because the big music labels are sucking most of the money out of spotify.

Podcasts and stuff are their way of trying to get out of that uncomfortable situation, because they own the rights of the stuff produced via their platform.

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Perhaps as likely as YouTube Premium separating music access from no ads on videos... I wish. It keeps me locked in.

They had that YouTube Premium Lite tier in a few regions, which was basically that. But Google just killed it.

Hard to beat $10 for unlimited music and podcasts + soon to be audiobooks

The audiobooks is very limited though. Just 15 hours per month (many books are longer than that) and in the case of duo and family plans, only the master account gets audiobooks.

That’s interesting I didn’t know it was limited to the main account. I’m a big audiobook listener, and the idea of being able to listen to something but then move on to something else is appealing. I pay for one credit on Audible every month but I have a lot of books, that after getting into them for a couple hours I realize they’re not really for me. That’s a lot of wasted money.  I wonder if the Spotify is going to give you the option to buy the book? 

You can apparently buy an 10 hour extension if your hours run out.

Depending on how expensive that is, it might still be worth it.

But this is not released yet, right? I went and picked a couple audiobooks to listen them to them, but it comes back that I have to go into Spotify on the web and buy them and when I go there, I literally have to buy them there’s no listening to X hours, etc. 

Truly the only subscription I'm happy to pay.

£3 a month if you're on a family plan!

It's understandable why they are doing this. Apparently the company has never ever made any profits, and since the main 3 record labels are demanding 70% of the revenue from Spotify, they can't do anything to change that revenue split to 50-50 instead as an example.

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