Trump pushes envelope with comment on the ‘poisoning’ of U.S. ‘blood’

Flying to politics – 495 points –
Trump pushes envelope with comment on the ‘poisoning’ of U.S. ‘blood’

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I can't really comprehend how evangelical Christians find this man to be at all acceptable. In fact, he's treated as some sort of savior. Major disconnect.

Evangelical's whole platform is divine authority to rule. It ties right in with colonialism, white supremacy, and fascism. "I'm right 'cause I say my god said so". But I also believe that most Christian's today would crucify Christ all over again as a communist.

divine authority to rule

Yet, they don't seem to accept Biden even though scripture is pretty clear:

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

Romans 13:1‭-‬2

I saw lots of crosses among the rebels on Jan 6.

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most Christian's today would crucify Christ all over again as a communist.

I think they would call him the anti-Christ

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It's easy when you understand that their moral framework is actually completely hollow, and their independent moral intuition is completely atrophied to the point that they are unable to conduct even basic moral synthesis.

Religion, as we know it, has always been a framework for social control and cooperation. The morality bits have always served this end, so it's not really surprising that in our modern context they just dispense with any moral pretenses as soon as they are in obvious conflict with their power aspirations.

Yep, the thing they like about religion is handing all the messy decisions over to a central authority. Just put your trust in the right authority and you don't have to worry about anything! Which authority is the right one? Don't worry, they'll tell you!

I think this is a group of people who identify with being told what to believe by strong personalities who take strong positions.

Doesn't matter what they are told, that's not the point. It's the freedom from being asked to think, which if you consider it for a while, is a heavy burden removed.

I really like the way you phrased that. Summed it up perfectly.

It also plays into the rhetoric that Christians are being persecuted, like the early church. It makes them feels more connected to their scriptures and further deepens that emotional connection to their religion. Church is a massive endorphin/serotonin trip. Feeling more connected to the early church makes them feel more like Paul is writing directly to them, which pushes more endorphins. The music style that's become popular is pretty trance-like, which releases more endorphins and then when their high on the explosion of endorphins, the pastor comes in and weaponizes that feeling claiming that the gays or trans people or Muslims or the left or whoever they want to villanize are going to take that feeling away and persecute them just as the Romans did to the early church.

Because in their eyes he’s the ‘non political’ politician just “saying what’s on all our minds”

They would vote in a potato salad if they thought it was racist enough.

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