Egypt warned Israel days before Hamas struck, US committee chairman says to World – 225 points –
Egypt warned Israel days before Hamas struck, US committee chairman says

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Entirely believable. Egypt has been quite friendly with Israel given their history, and there's no way nobody knew this attack as being planned.

Let’s not mince words here, Israel wanted this to happen. Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if they even loosely facilitated it somehow.

Now they have an excuse to complete their genocide and free up the rest of their lebensraum for their pure arya—I mean Jewish state.

even if this shit wasnt deliberately allowed to happen, the level of neglect coupled with the sheer fucking gleeful violence israel has unleashed in response makes the distinction practically meaningless

Israel is not the Likud Party or Netanyahu just like Hamas is not the Palestinian people.

Yup its too bad the motherfucking bibi has the reigns of Isreal and Hamas has the reigns of Gaza, it's going to be a bloodbath (well it already is) and he's gonna use it to push through his judicial coup.
Some people are saying "this is Isreal's 9/11", we all know its curtains for people's rights.

It's for sure gonna get uglier. I'm told Bibi has implemented a bunch of anti-democratic shit to rig things his way but I don't know enough about Israeli internal politics to say for certain if that's the case. Him and Trump seemed to think alike in that regard. (To the extent Orange Julius thinks anyway.)

I didnt say Israelis I said Israel, as in the people in charge.

It's quite easy to read that as "all of Israel" without the qualifiers, and I've seen many people on here saying just that, so please pardon the confusion.

I think the distinction is important though, and it's why I tend to say "fuck the CCP" and not "fuck China."

I have no beef with Chinese people, but a lot with the CCP.

Yeah. If you ignore the context of where it was said, sure, it's easy to read it in ways not at all implied by the context.

I dunno man, when I said “they” might have facilitated it somehow, I definitely could have been talking about all Israeli citizens!


The demographics of those affected are particularly useful politically.

  • The Lawfare Podcast - 20231010 - Special Edition: Noah Efron on the Awful Quiet of This Moment

@19m58s - Noah Efron

...the outpouring of grief has been universal and completely undifferentiated, I mean, to be really crass about it, the thousand people who were killed are—almost all of them are the kinds of people who you would see at a protest on a Saturday night. They're almost all leftist, they're almost all secular...

@26m24s - Noah Efron

...people will be judging every move that the army makes and every move that the government makes: is it humane or inhumane, is it effective or ineffective, is it too weak; and they will be screaming one at the other, they will be dissatisfied, they will be angry, and then within the country as well it will not be long before—and in fact we have already begun to see some of this—before some people in the government say, you know, the reason why Hamas launched a thousand people with handheld rockets and with automatic guns to go house-to-house and murder children and their parents is because those left-wingers who are protesting every week gave them the idea that we are weak...

Edit: included transcriptions

Edit 2: grammar and formatting

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Given how shady both Egypt and Israel are, I am sure they knew exactly who planned the attack and for when because because the intelligence asset handler reported it in.

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