McCarthy scolds Gaetz in GOP meeting: ‘Sit your ass down’ to politics – 318 points –
McCarthy scolds Gaetz in GOP meeting: ‘Sit your ass down’

Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) scolded Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) during a closed-door GOP conference meeting Thursday, telling the Florida Republican to sit down when he tried to interrupt McCarthy’s remarks.


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Oh please assault one another..

This shit is just gravy..

If McCarthy was an underage girl Gaetz would’ve done it already

Matt Gaetz, the guy that was stealing underaged girls license when the dmv was closed for his sex trafficking friend? After a group phone call with 3 of is underage girlfriends that were federal witnesses they somehow decided not to testify.

The same douche who crashed a SCIF for some BS performative stunt for his teabagging fanbois.

I like it better when they say silly things to each other. More fodder for the late night comics. Sad that Colbert has covid again :(

I mean, I wouldnt mind if a capitol janitor opens a broom closet to find Gym and Gaetz wrapped up in a post-coital bliss (as long as said janitor is live streaming).

Honestly, this is better than the alternative of them passing shitty laws and getting things done.

Again? Doesn't he wear his masks, and get his weekly booster?

How do you live through life being so ignorant about medicine?

And now, for no reason, this off-topic skit:

Look, everyone! Up in the sky. It's Asshead-Man!

🎵 The world of science and facts sure scares him, 🎶
🎵 There's logic and reasoning outside his home... 🎶
🎵 So he grabbed his buns and he sure bared 'em, 🎶
🎵 Stretching them up to swallow his dome! 🎶

Now back to your regularly-scheduled discussion...

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