Samsung and Other Manufacturers Disable Phones Bought on Gray Markets: A Consumer Nightmare

Lee to – 322 points –

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As a rule of thumb, after quite a mediocre experience regarding more than a couple of items, I have learned to never buy Samsung, if an alternative exists.


  • Never buy Apple because…
  • Never buy Samsung because…
  • never buy Huawei because …
  • never buy oppo because …
  • never buy an android because…

Well back to my landline I guess.

I've been pretty happy with my Samsung, this place is just full of unhappy nerds, I swear.

I've used samsung s2, s4 mini, s6, s10e and now s23. They've all been perfectly fine products in my opinion. Their ssd as well. Not to say others aren't better, but I've just never had a reason to switch

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Lol same. Haven't had a problem with it and I'm glad I replaced my trash Huawei phone. No crashes, no fake camera lenses, no swollen battery...

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I've been pretty happy with my $300 Motorola phone 🤷‍♂️

I don't trust any of the major phone manufacturers to update my device for an extended time. It is intrinsically against their interest to support a platform long term at the expense of a missed sale on a new device.

Not that I like Motorola, but they do offer an unlocked bootloader on most of their phones. LineageOS supports a number of them officially, which makes for a very easy install and extended support model. Not bad for a $300 phone.

I mean, Apple is an easy "no go" for me, because I like to actually own the devices I pay for. Huawei phones are solid, AFAIK.

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Don’t buy anything Samsung ESPECIALLY their appliances. They got class action lawsuit for fridges that breakdown, and when you call for the warranty to repair you’ll be dealing with months of nightmare of multiple technicians coming and going trying to to repair it. Oh and they only come during weekdays during 9-5 business hours so you have to take time off work for them to come, and if they “fixed it” it breaks down the next day spoiling all your food. I was losing money fast so I told them they have one last chance to make this right before I sue them. After that a manager called saying they’re going to send us a “new” fridge. Our “new” fridge was so badly banged up it had dents all over it. I was so exhausted by everything I just put magnets over it and called it a day. FUCK SAMSUNG never ever choosing to buy any of there products. Do your research before you buy!!!!!

Their SSDs seem rock solid, but not so keen on anything else.

That's true, their SSD are really good.

Don't forget the 980/990 series losing durability way too quick, although it has been patched

No, mine is much older (850, IG?) and it's still kicking.

I have a fold 3 and I'm on my way to have it warranty repaired for the second time after having already completed three warranty exchanges. At least they're honoring the warranties; but I shouldn't have to repair a single phone so many times just have a working product.

Among other things, I was one of these dumb people that bought a Bada phone, back then (Wave II). Hardware-wise it was a wonderful phone. But software wise it was abandoned by Samsung in a matter of months, IIRC. Never more.

Also bought a middle category Samsung TV a few years ago. It came with an awful IPS panel with a contrast ratio worse than an LCD casio watch and bad luminance. My fault for not swapping it in time. Nonetheless, I didn't expect such a crappy TV from such a brand.

I mean that should've been obvious after the battery explosion and battery swelling problems at Samsung. They don't care as long as it's cheap. Their bloat was also one of the worst, same for the build quality of the medium phones.

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