I just want to set a timer for MY FOOD WINDOWS WHY?

doopen@lemmy.world to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 1203 points –



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I have never had problems with windows updates nor has it never rebooted on me. Dunno what the hate is for, at least windows works without knowing 79 different programming languages and having to scour through git repos from 2002 for drivers just to get a driver compiled for your headset (it wont compile because it requires a bingbong-SDK mainted by a guy from turkey who refuses to update it from 1.95v2 to more recent 1.99-6 which is incompatible with your dial-up modem)

You've never had windows reboot on you for an update? Are you running 3.1 or something?

I've never had windows force a reboot and I don't even turn my PC off at night like the other guy does

I just tell it to schedule a time for the middle of the night and go from there

I think maybe back in the xp/vista days that happened once or twice, but not in well over a decade now

At least that works for you. I’ve never been able to get windows to respect my “active hours.” Especially on my work laptop - I work overnight, and frequently have to open up a command prompt to override the forced scheduled restart. Even though the active hours thing allows you to put in a day that starts at PM and ends at AM, something about my work day crossing over midnight apparently just makes windows shit its diaper.

W10. I shut down my pc every night so if it needs to have a rest it will. But I never had it reboot on me in the middle of something like I hear linuxboys fantasize about. The only thing I notice when it's got an update coming up is that the button says "update and shutdown" instead of just "shutdown".

It’s fascinating to me how much someone can fanboy/fangirl over a simple computer OS that you’ll straight up smear the facts in favor of your argument. It’s fucking software, use what you want and chill the fuck out. So windows hasn’t forced you to restart because you shut your computer down every night. A lot of people don’t do that since we may still have other processes running while we’re not at the PC. In those cases, windows absolutely will force a restart, and usually at the most inconvenient time. You don’t have that problem because you don’t need your PC to be running overnight, so you shut yours down which mitigates the forced restart issue. And you know that’s what’s happening or you wouldn’t have mentioned it. So stop arguing in bad faith and come up with an actually relevant argument if you’re still planning on being worked up over what OS strangers on the internet use.

You raise a good point, I don't really categorize myself as any OS fanboy, there are plenty of retarded things in windows (scrollbar implementation and focusthieves can eat my ass), but linux users are legitimately the most thin skinned fanboys of all time. As shown by this thread, say a little quip that's clearly exaggerated and suddenly basements all over the world start echoing mechanical keyboard clackering over it. If linux was reasonable to use and would have an UI even slightly comparable to windows I'd switch in a heartbeat

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You show that you're about 17 and have been using computers like 2 years lol

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Not everyone uses windows just to play solitaire Margret.

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I don't remember any version of Windows I actively use ever auto updating for me either, but that's because I turned that shit off myself.

Not disagreeing with you, but when I turned off updates on win 10 it stopped it for a while, and then forced it no matter what I did in the middle of what I was doing one day (only to fail, bluescreen and revert, but that's another story)

I find it funny how you say it wasn't bingbong-SDK and then go on to explain what actually happened, and even that could've been a satirical comment I would've written.

I have never needed to use my programming knowledge to use Linux nor have I had an issue with drivers. Dunno what the hate is for, at least Linux works without changing half the values in the registry to make it tolerable or having an active internet connection (it won't install the OS without making you create a Microsoft account unless you open a secret command prompt to disable the Internet requirement and lie about not having Internet so they can attach all of the information they collect on you to a profile that enables them to deliver more relevant advertisements directly to your operating system)

it won’t install the OS without making you create a Microsoft account

I'm not pro-Windows by any means, but this simply isn't true.

Yea, kinda. It forces it hard though.

There is no obvious way to skip the MS account. You can select that it is a managed device and create a local user that way, but afaik that's the last option left and obviously it is there for a very different intention.

I am sure that if MS could remove it completely they would.

You need to open a secret command prompt and type in a command. The person I was replying to is apparently deathly allergic to typing out simple commands in a terminal, so he certainly wouldn't be able to get around it.

Um, no you don't. I mean you can do it that way if you want I suppose, but you can just use the good ol' decline button too (repeatedly, on various screens, with your network cable unplugged. Fuck Windows)

You don't need to open a secret command prompt or type a command to not install without an account lmao. Linux fanboys just keep on lying to support their dying OS It's hilarious haha.


The world runs quite literally mostly on Linux. The vast majority of servers, all android phones, Chromebooks, and a growing percentage of desktops

Windows on the other hand is literally losing market share. But sure it's Linux that is dying lol

That's why valve built steam deck with windows in mind ;)

There is a wrong way to be right about something, and this comment is a great example of that.

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