This split sink

The Picard to Mildly – 894 points –

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They are meant to be installed in a corner.

Yep, and they are actually awesome! I personally hate washing dishes when there's a pile of them in front of you because of all the splashing. This layout makes cleaning so much easier. Additionally, you can put up some stuff for defrosting in the second sink

Finally, was wondering where exactly these things would have been used 😮

Could you just not put it there? I never known any sink in existence that is plumbed into the corner of the room, so presumably the piping has been redirected so that you need a corner sink, it's literally the very definition of a solution looking for a problem and indeed a problem has to be created so the solution is required.

I get it, but speaking as someone who used to design kitchen layouts for a living: Don't put your sink in the corner. Just don't.

Also, this has one major "feature" above and beyond the usual diagonal sink in a corner cabinet, in that you can swivel the faucet into the middle position and dispense water directly onto your floor. Genius!

swivel the faucet into the middle position and dispense water directly onto your floor

Or directly into a bucket.

How often I'm filling buckets vs. how often I'd accidentally spill water on the floor.

Would be a bad idea for me

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