German police raid homes of 17 people accused of posting antisemitic hate speech on social media

Lee to World – 267 points –
German police raid homes of 17 people accused of posting antisemitic hate speech on social media

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That makes us no better than them tho.

No, it's a 'paradox of tolerance' and that paradox is already solved

That's what those fuckers want you to think.

So its ok when we silence a group of people for their beliefs but not when they do it?

If you want a tolerant society, you cannot tolerate the intolerant.

If you want democracy, you must suppress anti-democratic ideas.

You have to fight for want you believe in, and not let antithetical ideas fester and subvert yours, just because they exploit your tolerance and use the space you give them to fight it.

Sure, but your methodology for determining what is an anti-democratic idea should be really tight, before you raid/arrest people.

No one wants murders in their society, but showing that they did that action is more important than stating that an action is wrong/anti-democratic/immoral etc.

How do you suppose they should have proceeded instead?

In this case if they have evidence, they should be investigated as is being done.

My critique is on the general sense of tolerance/intolerance as that can be vague, although unjustified incitement of violence or violent action is a good place to draw a line. However what is a call to violence can be tricky to parse sometimes.

If you want a tolerant society, you cannot tolerate the intolerant

That doesn’t mean silencing anyone who utters “wrongspeak,” but authoritarians like you are pushing precisely that. “We shall decide who the intolerant are and they shall be banned from our tolerant society.” I would much rather live in a world where I had to listen to ignorant views like yours than be “protected” from them but never forced to figure out for myself why I disagree. Bigotry flourishes in darkness; the solution is to bring it out into the light.

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When those beliefs involve the eradication of anyone who isn't exactly like you, yes.

So we should silence all the religouse fundamentalists as well?

If they call for genocide? Yes, of course.

What makes you think society should just sit idly by and do nothing when people call for mass murder and genocide?

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